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^ms aria's dress!

"Hello piccolo cugino, what can we do for you this time?" Emilio said

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"Hello piccolo cugino, what can we do for you this time?" Emilio said. I rolled my eyes even though he can't see me. He always called my little cousin because he was born a day before me. It's helps his ego or whatever.

"Fuck you!" I said. "Anyways I need you and Alonzo to get on a jet and get over here by 6 pm tonight." He paused for a second. "Why do you need us when you have a whole fucking mafia." He questioned. He's right but if I ask them, then something is gonna go wrong and papa is gonna know. 

"There is only 4 of us and we need ore then that." I said. "What?" He's a dumbass. "Whatever just get over here by 6 and bring something nice, your going to a ball." He groaned. "Your a bitc-" I hung up the phone. I hate him. 

"Alexi is gonna be at some ball tonight, he's in the states for 2 weeks. My goal is to get him as quick as possible so that we can't try an get anything out of him, no matter what it takes.

They nodded. Before I said what I wanted to say, I looked up and heard a chair being scooched back. Diamond was leaving. She walked out the kitchen and left. I looked at Leone because I was confused. He let out a sigh. "She doesn't wanna do the fighting portion of mafia, like the field stuff, she doesn't like the idea at all but she said if she did missions and shit then it would be things with cameras and computers." He said. 

I looked over to Lauren to see her with her fist balled and she had a huge smile on her face. I smiled at the sight because she hated doing that stuff alone. "YES!!" She stood up and yelled. Leone and Elijah looked at her like she was crazy. She cleared her throat and sat back down. 

"Are you ok crazy?!" Elijah asked and I let out a small laugh. "Well lucky for her, she has me because thats all I do while Aria and them are on the field." She said proudly. "Cool" Leone said.

"Anyways, it's a masquerade ball so this will be easy for him not to spot us, but it will be harder or us to find him." I said. "Why not have Lauren track his location now, then we could find out where he is and we can put a bug on him so then we have a tracker." Elijah said. I was lowkey surprised. "You might be on to something." I said.

We all got up to get our outfits ready and get gear for tonight. We also decided to go with Elijah's plan, therefore we had to figure out where Alexi is.


I have an aesthetic for her but my computer is being a bitch right now so yea.

Lauren's POV:

After our meeting in the kitchen we all went our separate ways. I had three things to do; talk to Diamond, track that fucker Alexi and pick out a dress. I wanted to talk to Diamond first though. I came up to her bedroom door and knocked. "Come in" I heard through the door. It sounded a little muffled.

I peeked my head through the door to see her on the bed scrolling through Tiktok. "Come over put it on him-" I sang the next part after. "He drank that shit like water." She whipped her head up and laughed when she saw me and so did I. "Whats up?" She asked. I wanted to talk to her mostly because I feel like I related to her in the situation that she's in right now.

"So I heard that you don't wanna do field missions huh?" I asked. She let out a deep sigh and nodded her head. "Yeah I get it, I know how you feel." I said and she looked confused. "I'm not Ri's real sister, but we act like it. Her family saved me from my abusive family like 7 years ago." Her eyes widened.

I nodded my head. "Yeah, I don't know what happened to him after that but I know that he's never coming back in my life again. If he did, I have a whole family to protect me." I said. "Anyways so I know that you got adopted around the same time I was brought here, let me tell you that at first you won't wanna do it. When you see others having fun and kicking ass at the same time, then you'll wanna do it." She laughed.

"How about tonight you stay in the car with me and look at the cams." She was hestitant to saying yes. Then she agreed. "Great! Oh and pick out a dress and then come see me or Aria to pick out a mask." I said and she nodded. I shut her door and walked away feeling proud of myself.

I then texted Aria to let her know that I convinced her. She responded with a 'Great!!' I then went over to my room and did my usual stalking and after 1 hour and 33 minutes I finally found him. I kept my tab open so I wouldn't loose it. I then texted Aria, Leone and Eli that I got him.


Me: I found him, he's downtown at some bank.

Ri: Ok send me his location just incase.

Ri's sexy ass man: Me too.

Crackhead: Don't need it but I do need an all black outfit so I don't stand out when putting the tracker on.

I rolled my eyes at my cute dumbasses text.

Me: it will still me daytime dumbass

Crackhead: Oh rightttt

I rolled my eyes again but also let out a small laugh.


I looked at the time to see it saying 12:25 pm. I picked out a dress and layed it out. I went with a cute spaghettis strap dress that was tighter at the top and flowy at the bottom.

 I went with a cute spaghettis strap dress that was tighter at the top and flowy at the bottom

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Me after finishing this late at night^

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Me after finishing this late at night^


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