f o r t y - s e v e n

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snow drop - to be the symbols of hope and happiness, and is used as a sympathy flower.

snow drop - to be the symbols of hope and happiness, and is used as a sympathy flower

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Flashback to the night before

"Their plan is to import as many drugs as they can and inject them into as many people that they can capture." Aria spoke. Lauren wrote down what she said.

"Where are they storing them?" I ask. "In a warehouse about an hour away, but they plan on injecting some into the guest tommorow night." Damn it.

"I have to go guys but I'll see you tommorow." She says and hangs up.

I look over at Lauren. "What now?" she asks. "Now we get everyone together and come up with a plan." I say.


An hour later.

"You said you needed us Leone?" Mr. Russo said. I nodded and took a deep breath. "Me and Lauren got in contact with Aria 2 nights ago." I said and a gasp was let out in the room.

"Is my baby okay? Where is she? Is she safe? Is-" Mrs. Russo kept asking questions until Lauren cut her off. "Mama,mama,she's okay right now. She's still with Dimitri but she pretending as if she's playing their game. They gave her a room and a phone." Lauren said.

"She told us that they're importing drugs and capturing as many people as they can to inject them into them. That's why they took her and Lauren. They're trying to create an army of mindless people." I said.

"Okay so what do you have in mind?" Lorenzo said. I pulled up a map. "This map is a map of LA, thats where she is and where the ball that is being held tommorow is. We will be attending. It's a masquerade, which is great because we'll be hidden." I said.

"I'm able to ping the location of Aria's phone, so we can know when they leave and when we can leave. Mama and Papa, you will be the second sign. When you see Aria walk in you will cross her path. Mama you will drop something, knowing Aria she'll give it back and make sure you know you lost it. Give her a sign that it's you. Leone will be hidden in the back. Lorenzo, Alonzo and Enzo, you will be in three different places in the room. Converse with people and make sure that you look like you fit in. Gianna, I'll tell you when to go in, but you're gonna be hiding in the bathroom, now I know" Lauren got cutoff.

"Ew! The bathroom really? C'mon Laur! Why the bathroom?" Gianna whined.

"My love, please cooperate." Lorenzo told her. She crossed her arms and slumped in her chair. "Fine, continue." She said.

Lauren rolled her eyes, "Now I know that the bathroom isn't your scene, but I need you to plant of a bag of all Aria's weapons that are being flown out here ask we speak. Okay?" She said.

Gianna sighed, "Finee, can I wear a pink dress? With a pink mask? Oh and a pink pair of really pretty pink heels and pink-" Her mouth got covered by Emilio.

"Okay Barbie we get it. Continue Lauren." He said. Gianna smacked his hand away.

"Lorenzo control her!" He said holding his hand.

Lorenzo told me to grab a can of sprinkles out the mini fridge in the room. He hands her the sprinkles and she's quiet for the rest of the time.

Everyone just looks at them like they're crazy. "What?! None of you have to continue living with her after all of this! I do!" Lorenzo said throwing his hands in the air.

"Correction, we do!" Malcolm and Zayn said.

"Anyways, Gia you'll tell Aria the plan and then we'll move forward from there. You will all be given an earpiece and I will give you the all clear." She finishes.

"We want this to be the end of all this bullshit. They've been terrorizing us for months and almost a year. They've taken and killed. This is the end of all of this." I said.

"You can all leave now." Lauren said.

Everyone left except for my father. "You better hope this works son because they want their daughter back and I want them to pay for what they did to Elijah. No father should have to bury their son." He said.

"I know papa, I hope this works too. If it doesn't," I let out a sigh, "we're fucked."

"Son just promise me something. Please don't leave us too." My father says.

"I would never papa." He smiles and leaves the room.

"We got this Leone! I know we do! This will all be over in the next 48 hours." She says with a smile. I nod, "I know we do. Goodnight Lauren." I say as I leave the room.

I walk to my room and I see Liza laying in my bed again. She's holding her stuff pony and Netflix has the 'Are you still watching' notification up.

I slowly shut the door so so she doesn't wake up, but she's a light sleeper, so when the door squeaked she woke up. She rubbed her eyes and got up. She walked over and hugged my leg. "W-where did you go?" She asked. I picked her up, "Hi sleepy girl. I was talking to the grown ups." She nodded. "Lets go back to sleep okay?" She nodded again.

I layed her down and she immediately fell back asleep. Rubbing the top of her forehead, I think about what Aria could be doing right now. I miss her. So much.

i love you all!!!

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i love you all!!!

stay safe and healthy!!

QOTD: fav netflix show or movie?

Mine is purple hearts<3

mwah!! xoxo- gigi


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