t h i r t y - f o u r

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I know I already did this but your flower's for this chapter are a Lily and Iris. 

Ethan and Lauren are correlated with each other and the Lily. 

the iris flower symbolizes a message, particularly one of hope or of mourning.


I'm sitting in car, the radio is playing

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I'm sitting in car, the radio is playing. The rain is heavily pouring down on my car roof and windows. It's 5:25 am and the street lights are on, lining the sidewalk where the apartment buildings sit behind it.

All you can here is the rain and the sound of my foot taping on the ground. 5:28 is what the clock reads. I feel like my heart is going to fall into my stomach. 5:30, I see car lights pull infront of me. 

Always on time, just like before. 

I see and umbrella make its way open from the door of the car and then a tall man standing with black sweatpants and a jacket on. 

Here goes nothing. 

I open my umbrella and step out my car. I leave the car running so it's warm when I get back in. I see him turn around and walk my way. I feel tears welling up in my eyes as we get closer. 

All these years, all this time, all those late night cry sessions, they're all worth it now. 

We finally meet the same point and we just take in each other. "Look at you Ri! You're so beautiful!" He says. I smile, "You changed so much! For one, your voice got deeper." We both laughed. I sit down my umbrella and just hug him. I don't care about getting soaked by the rain, I just wanna be with my brother. 

"I missed you so much Ri!" He says.  I pull back and look at him. "I missed you more." His eyes soften. The rain starts getting way too heavy to even stand in. 

"You wanna go back to my car? It has heated seats." He smiles and nods. 

We open the doors and let our umbrellas down, and then shut the doors. 

"Before I tell you everything, tell me about everything I missed." He says. I nod. So I do just that, I tell him everything that has happend up from the day left disappeared to right now.


"So yea, now we are partnering with the Italian Mafia and American and we're trying not to get our asses killed." I stated. He looks at me for a second, contemplating on what to say. "So let me get this right, you and Leone have a bounty on your heads, our family and his family are working together, but you guys - are really the ones working. Papa doesn't know, but mama does, and the Ricci parents are clueless, well Mr. Ricci. You guys tracked down Alexi and then tried to kidnap him, but that back fired and he kidnapped Lauren. So you guys had no way of finding her because she does the tracking part. So you flew out to California with Emilio, Alonzo, and the Ricci brothers, to stay with an old time friend so you could get help. You guys finally find Lauren and you burned down the warehouse. After a few weeks you found out a threat is on Nat and so she's with you guys. And Lauren said she saw me in her dream and thats what led you here." He sums up.

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