forty - two

887 12 3

I hear this noise

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I hear this noise. It's high pitched but I also hear screaming. My name is being called over and over again.

"Aria!" Papa?

"Ri!" Lauren?

"Mi amor! Wake up! Leone.

(My love)

My body feels paralyzed. I can hear them but I can't wake up.

"Ri can you move your finger!" I hear Lauren. I can feel my body parts and I know everything but I can't open my eyes. I move a finger for them and hear a breath of relief. "She's okay!" I hear papa say.

"Okay we can communicate with her this way!" I hear Lauren say. "Ri move your right hand if you can open your eyes and opposite for the left." I hear her say.

I move my left. "It's almost like she's paralyzed from opening her eyes or speaking." Gia says. Wait, Gia's here too?

"Okay guys we've all had a hard day and a six hour flight back so let's get some rest and leave Aria be." I hear a voice say which I think is Mr. Ricci.

I hear a door shut and feel a weight on the bed. "I missed you beautiful." I hear Leone's voice. "I'm so happy to have you back." I feel is lips kiss the top of my forehead and he stayed with me the whole entire time. 


Back home

I felt my body getting carried a lot in the last couple hours. Being placed and placed somewhere else over and over again. For someone who is paralyzed, I'm fucking tired. We found out that I am going to be okay and that my body is just in a state of shock. I should wake up soon. 

"She's not paralyzed but she is." I hear Leone tell someone. "She can still hear us she just can't move. It's paralysis. Watch, Aria can you lift your finger is you can hear me?" He says. I lift my right finger and but it back down. "Wow! Thats crazy!" I hear the voice say. Its diamond. 

"Leone! Di di!" I hear a small voice enter the room. Oh Liza. She has no idea. "Leone!" I hear giggles and little patters running. "I missed you!" She says. "I missed you too Liza!" He sound so happy right now. "Hi Di di!" She says. I hear Diamond laugh. "Hi silly girl! Are you excited for Christmas and your birthday." She asks. 

Christmas? How long have I been gone? My birthday is on November 4th. It has to have been at least a month. 

"Yes! I'm s-so ex-ex-ex..." She can't finish the word excited. "Excited?" Leone says. "That one!" They both laugh and then she asks about the elephant in the room. Me.

"What's w-wrong with Ari?" There's a pause of silence and then Leone speaks. "She's just not feeling well. She's really tired and just needs to take a couple days of rest." He says. "Will she be awake for my birthday?!" She asks. I hear Diamond let out a sigh. "We hope so! Lets go decorate cupcakes with Gianna!" She says. "Yay!" Liza says. 

I hear Leone let out a sigh and sit on the bed. "I really hope so too." He says.


Leone has stayed with me thought the past couple days and have never left. A knock is on the door and I hear Elijah's voice. I'd kill for an Eli hug right about now. 

"Anything?" He asks. Leone tells him no and I feel a body at the ed of the bed. "You need rest L. Mama is worried about you and you only eat when you want to. Go get some food and I'll stay hear with her for just a couple minutes." He says. He agrees and I hear the door shut. 

"I miss you cupcake. I hope you wake up soon. A lot of people miss you. Including me! As soon as you wake up we're-" He stops talking I hear a thud hit the ground."

I hear footsteps coming towards me. No they just got me back, this can't happen. I feel my body being lifted. "I am so sorry Ri. I have no choice." No. It can't be him.

 It can't be him

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sorry for the long wait. I had to take care of school and dance and midterms but now i'm on winter break! 

who do you guys think it is? 

Also I have seen all on you guys comments on the last chapter! I'm glad you are enjoying it.


i love you all! Stay safe,don't get sick and enjoy the holiday!


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