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Is anyone hone? Mom and  Dad ?
Elijah is that you son ?
Yes mom am home I have some news for you and dad !
Wow how I have missed you son ? How is London?
I missed you all too . London is good , Hi dad
Hi son glad you are home to visit ? So what brings you home ?
I am glad you asked Dad . I got a job running a small paper in Maine !
Wow son that is wonderful and when do you start that job?
I start in a couple of weeks and I came home to see about getting a house in between here and Maine .
What is the name of the town you are running the paper in ?
It's a place called Haven .
I know that place and it is a beautiful place to live . Would you like some help looking ?
Yes that would be great mom and dad .
We can go this morning if you would like .
Sure that would be nice . Hi Oliver how you doing ?
Hi Elijah am doing good . Guess what I am thinking of taking in high school?
What is that little brother ?
Well I am taking law classes I want to be the first lawyer in the family.
Wow Oliver that is wonderful and I am sure you will be great .
Thanks Elijah! Mom and Dad I am off to school see you later today .
Okay Oliver see you after school . How about some coffee Elijah?
Sure mom that sounds good . Some things never change .
Son you know your mother loves her coffee!
Elijah what do you think about this house it's a three bedroom 2 1/2 bath and a pool and it is close by the paper ?
I really do like it and it has a big kitchen I took cooking lesion while I was in London .
Out of all the houses I saw I really do want this one . Let's talk to the realtor and see what I need to buy this house .
Son I will talk to the realtor and see how much it is .
Okay Dad and me and mom will look around the rest of the house . Mom let's go upstairs and look around .
Son the rooms are pretty good size and you can make one of the spare rooms as your office .
I was thinking that as well .
Rory , Elijah where you guys at ?
We are in the spare bedroom looking around . Did you talk to the realtor about the house ?
Yes and i have some good news for you son you got the house all we have to do is go to the realtor office later and sign the papers and the house is yours .
Wow that is great dad thanks . Now I just have to go shopping now .
Son if you want me and your mother will be glad to help you like we did with your sister .
Thanks mom and dad that will be great . First thing I need to get power hooked up and cable and internet and water turn on .
Hi Hunzburger family am Mike the realtor and I got the paper work all ready and all you need to do is sign and read them .
Okay and how much is the payment on it a month on the house Mike ?
Elijah the payment has been made it full the house is yours .
Who paid for the house ?
Son I did with your money we saved in your trust fun . And we can us some of it to get you what you need for the house .
Wow I forgot about my trust funds .
Okay Elijah here is your keys to you new house . If you have any questions feel free to call me .
I will thank you .
Son I call the power company along with the water company and took care of the cable and internet and those will be on with in a hour .
Okay thanks dad and mom .
Son you look tired .
thanks now should we go and shopping ?

Hi Readers
I know this chapter is short but am working on the chapter now . I am glad you all are enjoying the story . Until next time hope everyone is staying safe . Love Nikki❤️

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