Chapter 21 Part 2

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Good morning mom is there any coffee made ?
Yes honey there is and we made Jasmine some breakfast since it will be a while before we eat again . Do want to try and eat something ?
No mom I am to nervous to eat right now . Good morning Jasmine baby.
Good morning Mommy . Mommy is day the big day I get to wear my dress ?
Yes babygirl it is we will be leaving for the church pretty soon so go to the table and I will get you some breakfast sweetie.
Okay mommy and good morning grandma and grandpa .
Good morning sweetheart and here is you some juice and eggs and bacon .
Thank you Grandpa !
Rory honey are you ready to head to the church?
Yes mom just got Jasmine ready and got her bags pack for while we are gone and pack some of her favorite books plus her tablet to watch her shows
I Honor  glad you could make it today . How are the kids doing ?
They are doing good and I was ask to give u this small package it's from Logan .
Aww thank you well I must be getting going to the dressing room so I can get ready . See you in a few .
Okay sister see u soon .
Honor did you see Rory ?
Hi little brother yes I saw her and gave her the gift as well .
Good thank you well it's time to married the woman of my dreams . Finn you all ready because here comes my bride .
Yes mate we are and wow Mother looks beautiful in that dress .
Who gives this woman to this man ?
We do !
Dearly beloved we are gathered here today to join this man and this woman in holy matrimony if there is anyone who believes these two should not be together speak now .
Logan do you take Rory Gilmore to be your wife in sickness and health for richer or poor to death do you part ?
I do
Rory do you take Logan Huntsberger to be your husband for sickness and in health for richer or poor to dearth do you part ?
I Do
Logan repeat after me !
I Logan give you  Rory this ring as a toke and pledge Constant faith and a binding love.
I Rory give you Logan this ring as a token and pledge of constant faith and a binding love.
Now with Logan and Rory please join hands by the power of me I now pronounce you man and wife ! Logan you may kiss your bride!

Hi My Readers
I hope you enjoyed this chapter of Rory and Logan wedding the next chapter will be the wedding receptionist and the beginning of their honeymoon. I hope everyone is staying safe and health . Until next time . Love Nikki

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