Chapter 51

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Honey you ready to head to our OB appointment?
Yes am ready I honey I can't wait to what we are having boy or a girl !
Sierra Hansberger if you could follow me please .
Hi Elijah and Sierra  shall we see about your baby and find out what you are having ?
Yes we shall !
Well guys it looks like you are having a girl . Congratulations to you both !
Hi kids how was the doctors appointment and do we know what you are having a boy or Girl !
Mom and Dad we are having a Girl .
Congratulations  kids
Thank you mom
So kids  have you  though of names yet ?
Yes mom we did and we are having a girl !
Son and Sierra that is wonderful news . Are you all hungry we ordered pizza ?
Mom that sounds good . Sierra honey you look tried . Do you want to eat and go lay day before we head home ?
Yes that sound good son Logan will you get some extra plates Elijah and Sierra are staying for for some pizza ,
Okay honey . Hi Kids how was your appointment?
Dad we are having a girl .
That is wonderful kids .
Sierra honey it's time to head out to mom and dads house for supper .
Okay Elijah am ready . Do we need to bring anything ?
Mom didn't say anything about bring anything but we can call on the way .
Mom said we didn't need to bring anything .
Mom and dad we  are here !
Hi kids we are in the kitchen ! How you doing Sierra ?
I am doing alright she this morning sickness I wish was gone .
Honey am sure won't last to much more usually about a month. But some people have it through there hole pregnancy.
Okay mom . Do we have any ginger ale?
Yes we had some I will  get you one and would you like some crackers ?
Yes please that would be good . So I was thinking about planning a baby shower for next weekend and wounding if you wanted to help me ?
I would love to honey . When would you like to start planning it ?
I was thinking we could start some ideas of places to have it and the menu's for it .
I would love that ! Let me get some paper and the laptop and we can start looking for places first the go from there . Have you and Elijah picked any names out yet ?
No we are still looking but I was leaning more towards Payton Nichole Huntzburger .
Wow that is a beautiful name honey and it's different as well .
Mom so we doing Christmas at our house this year and we want to cook Christmas if you all are alright with it ?
Sierra honey we are fine with that idea and we can start a new family tradition.
Yes that would be fun  and for the menu I was thinking baked ham and candy yams and green bean casserole and devil eggs and maybe some lobster and shrimp and apple pies and  a nut roll and  some baked beans .
That does sound yummy Sierra. But honey you do look tired  . Maybe you all should head home and get some rest it has been a long day .
I was thinking that myself as well mom and thanksgiving dinner was good thank you .
Son you are welcome . See you all another day good night kids ! We love you
Good night mom and dad we love you too !

Hi Readers
I hope you all had a safe and wonderful Christmas. I hope you all  are enjoying this chapter ! I will try and get another chapter  soon until then have a bless and safe week !  Love Nikki❤️

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