Chapter 7

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I do not own any of the photos that I will be using in my stories .The credit goes to the photographer that took the photos and the characters I use as well i0 give credit to the writers and producers of the Gilmore Girls.. Now to the next chapter I hop you enjoy .❤

I felt the car stop and heard Logan open the door and reached for my hand to assistant me with getting out the car . Logan what is going on are we hear yet ?

Yes Rory we are we you can now take off your blindfold.

Oh my God Logan I am home in Stars Hollow, I cant believe you brought me home . As I turn around I saw my mom running towards me and I gave Jasmine to logan and started running towards my mom ..

Hi kid oh have I have missed you i cant believe you are in the states and you are home .

Hi mom i have missed you as well and how is Luke doing ?

Luke is doing good at the dinner right now and I am sure he would to see you and Jasmine .April is in town with her boyfriend and they are there as well . Hi Logan how are you doing ? Thank you for bring my daughter home and granddaughter as well .

Hi lorelai and I was glad to do it , So ladies sure we go in and sit down and get something to eat?

Hey luke can you come out here a minute please ..
Hi lorelai what is so important that I need to stop making this plate ..

Hi luke miss me ?

Oh my God Rory oh how I have missed you kid and where is my granddaughter at..

I have missed you too luke and Jasmine is with her father at the table and we are hungry so what ever you can make I will take please along with a coffee and some ice tea please..

Sure I can get Cesar to start making it for you .. Oh there is my granddaughter Jasmine come to papa Luke honey oh have I missed you as well . Hi Logan how long are you guys in town for ?

You guys are our first stop and then we are heading to see my sister Honor and then my dad . We will be in the states for about a week .

Okay well be sure to stop back before you all head back to London  so we can have dinner .

Alright luke we can do that I am going to get Rory and Jasmine and head to my sister house thanks for breakfast.

Okay no problem . See you later Rory I will text you a day so you can have dinner with us .

Okay Luke , Mom we are heading out to see Honor I will see you again before we leave . Love you

Okay kid love you , See you soon ! 

So Logan where are we off to now ?
Well Ace I thought it would be nice to go see Honor for lunch and then maybe go do a little shopping what do you think?

Logan that sound nice does Honor know we are on the way to see here, I hope that she likes Jasmine .

Ace she will love Jasmine and look Ace there is the welcome party standing outside , Ace are you alright you are looking a little bit like a white ghost .

I am fine Logan just a little nervous it's been a while since I saw Honor .But am sure everything will work out . I took off my seatbelt and open the door and went and got Jasmine out of the car's seat.


Hi Honor we missed you as well how you been sis, let me Introduce you to our daughter Jasmine Honor huntzberger. I handed Jasmine over to my sister .

Awe she is beautiful guys and she has your eyes Logan. And Rory thank you for giving her my name for her middle name .I was truly honored by that .

Your welcome Honor .How is the kids and your husband doing .

We are all fine and Josh  is cooking on the grill so if you want we can head out back .

Sure that sounds good and sis have you talk to our parents lately?

I spoke to dad the other he is doing good , He doesn't work that much anymore since his heart attack he had about a year ago .. Mom I barely talk to her unless she needs something .

Okay i guess i will call dad set up time for him to meet Jasmine .

That would make he him to meet his granddaughter. 

Josh lunch was wonderful thanks for having us .Well sis I think we are going to head back to the hotel and put Jasmine down for a nap for a little . See you sis and take care of your self and I try and get back out here to see you  love you .

Your welcome little brother and please keep posted on how my niece is doing please and I love you too .

Hello my Reader
I hope you are enjoying this chapter and I want to take this moment to wish everyone a Happy Easter to you and please #staysafe..

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