Chapter 19

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Logan I think we should get married before this baby gets here and not wait because we have waited so long to get married and I don't want to wait no longer .
Rory I agree with you as well and I want to be able to call you my wife . So we will get the family together and tell them the wedding is going as planned. So I will call my parents and have them meet us here at the house and you can call your mom and Luke .
Okay Logan I will do that now while Jasmine is napping .
Hi Mom how are you doing ?
Hello Kid how are you and the family?
We are find we were wondering if you and Luke would come by the house this evening ?
We can do that honey is everything alright?
Yes mom it is we will see you at 5pm . Love you
Okay Rory see you then and love you too .
Logan they will be here at 5 pm and did u get a hold of your parents?
Yes they will be here at 5 pm as well . I figure we can do supper and do some grilling out .
That sounds great can you pick up some lobster and other seafood ?
Aww is my wife to be craving seafood already ?
Yes honey I am . I think am going to go see if Jasmine is up and we can go shopping before they get here.
Wow Logan you bought a lot of food we better get started soon.
We will honey let's get stuff ready it's almost 5 now and I know you want to get ready .
Mommy and daddy grandma and grandpa is here .
Okay Jasmine we are coming . Hello everyone please come on in and let's have a sit .
So kids what's going on what news do you have for us .
Well me and Rory decided to getting married as planed . Because we want to do this before the baby is here and wanted you all to know .
That is wonderful kids and the wedding is next month so since everything is all set .
So when do you guys find out the gender of the baby ?
Next month on the first mom . We are hoping for a boy .
Aww that would be good then you all will have one of each .
So we are grilling out for super tonight if that sound good to everyone?
That sounds good kids . Son would you like some help ?
Sure dad that would be great .
Logan am glad that Everyone was on board with the wedding next month.
I know Rory and now all we have to do is get our wedding bands and everything is all set for the wedding and it looks like fun everyone is coming to our wedding .
Logan will you help me get Jasmine into bed she has fallen a sleep on the floor .
Aww my sweet baby girl . Hold I want to take a photo of her then we can put her to bed .
Rory honey everything is locked up and I am pooped .
Me too honey it's been a long day and we are both pooped . I love you Logan goodnight .
Good night Ace and I love you too .
Hi My Readers
I know this is a short chapter , But I wanted to get you all another Chapter in for you all . I hope you all are enjoying the story so far . Until next time stay safe ! From my family to our's .. love Nikki❤️

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