Chapter 65

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Daddy where is mommy ?
Meagan mommy is still sleeping is something wrong sweetheart?
No daddy am
Just wanting to make me some of her waffles with chocolate chips and strawberries.
Meagan sweetheart daddy can make some for you . Because mommy taught daddy how to make them. Would you like to help daddy make some?
Yes I would love to help you daddy . Can we make some for uncle Oliver and mommy too?
Yes of course we can and also how about we make some bacon and eggs to .
Daddy that sounds yummy .
Okay Meagan I got the batter made the next step is to spay the waffle iron and the. You take a cup and poor some batter on to the waffle maker and close it down.
Good morning Elijah and Meagan.
Good morning mommy and uncle Oliver we are making waffles and eggs and bacon .
Meagan sweetheart that does so yummy and did you help daddy add the chocolate chips and strawberry?
Yes mommy I did and daddy made fresh orange too.
Wow daddy went all out for breakfast. Elijah did you make any coffee ?
Yes Sierra I made coffee , would you like a cup ?
Yes Elijah that would be good . Oliver would you like a cup of coffee ?
I would love some Elijah. I wanted to let you and Sierra know if you didn't need me I will need to head back to mom and dad house because I need to be heading back to London today .
Oliver thank you for helping me get with Sierra . What time is your flight ?
Your welcome Elijah . My flight is at 5 pm today .
Oliver son have you gotten everything you need for your flight ?
Yes mom I do and I got the car pack so it's time for me to head out to make it to the airport I will call you when I make it home .
Okay son be safe and talk to you tomorrow and thanks for coming out for your sister and brother.
Mom my family was needing me and I was here . I will try and make it for Christmas! Bye dad I am heading out .
Okay son let us know when you make it home .
I will bye mom and dad love you!
Logan do you want to go out for supper or stay in ?
We can go out for supper and maybe go get stuff we need because I head back to work tomorrow.
Okay Logan sounds good I need to get more printer paper and ink . I am just about done with the second book . And maybe we can go by and see mom and Luke at the diner .
That sounds good Rory . I am ready when you are .
Okay Logan I am ready I got everything and the door is locked .
Welcome to Luke's have a seat anywhere !
Hi Luke where is mom at ?
Hi Rory honey ,Hi Logan . Your mom is in the back I can get her.
Lorelei honey Rory and Logan is here !
Luke did you say Rory and Logan are here ?
Yes Lorelei I did .
Omg My lovely daughter and Logan what brings you by?
We came to get supper and get some things I need to finish my second book.
Rory your usually honey?
Yes Luke and Logan wants to try my usually .
Okay I will have Cesar start the food .
Rory how are the kids doing and how is Sierra doing ?
Mom the kids are good Oliver left to head back home and Elijah and Sierra and the kids are good . And Jasmine went back to London a couple of hours ago .
Oliver I have missed you ! How was your trip ?
Hi honey my trip was good and my sister in law is doing better and her baby is doing good ! And my Niece Meagan is growing like a weed . I even got to see my older Sister Jasmine as well .
That is wonderful I can't wait to meet them .
I haven't told them that I am dating someone new Kim because we all were worried about Sierra I am sorry.
No no Oliver that is fine we can do that another time .
Thank you Kim for understanding. Let's head home now .
Your welcome honey , let's head home I am sure you are tired from your trip .
Yes that is correct am ready for a nap and a shower and I have to send a message to mom and dad letting them know I made it .
Oliver: Hi mom I wanted to let you know I made it home safe and sound .
Rory: Hi son am glad you made it safe . Now get you some rest and we love you.
Oliver: I am and love you too .

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