Chapter 14

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Logan I finally got the very last box ready to be shipped so if you are ready we can head in out .

Okay Rory I have everything locked and are you ready to head back to the state ?

Yes logan am ready and so wanting to see my daughther I sure hope she is being good for her grandma .

Ace am sure she is doing good with your mom and luke .now ace why dont u sit back  and rest it's going to be a little while before we land .

Okay logan let's hit the road and go to our new beautiful house where our daughter is .

Mr. Huntzberger the jet is fuel and we should be back in the states with in a couple of hours .

Thank James . So Rory I have spoken with lorelai and Luke and they are already at the house setting up the Library and your study. So you can start writing again .

That's wonderful news logan . I cant wait to see my baby and my mom and luke I cant believe this is really happening that we are finally going home .

Well believe it honey we are fixing to land and the car will be there for us when we land .

We got unbelt and walked to the jet door and got out and the car was waiting for us and the driver got our bags and boxes and put them in the car . We pulled into the driveway  and stop by the door .

Go head Ace I will be right behind you I am going to help with the bags and boxes ..

Thank you logan , As I ran and open the door I so that Jasmine was sitting at the table with my mom and ran up to them and gave them a big hug . Hello my sweet baby girl momma has missed you dearly .And I missed you too mom thanks for watching her while got everything packed and shipped her.Was she any trouble for you all ?

No honey she was very good she even helped Luke at the diner and then we got her a new swimsuit and we played in the pool .

Sounds like she had a wonderful time . Where is Luke at ?

He went back to stars Hollow to get some dinner for us all so you wouldn't have to cook tonight since you might want to rest , And where is logan at ?

He should be in soon he was helping the driver with the rest of our stuff that I didn't want to ship her .

Momma I missed you and where is daddy at I missed him too .

Jasmine honey is bring in the bags .

There is my girls how are you Jasmine baby , Daddy has missed you so much .

Hi Daddy i missed you too . Grandma and Grandpa luke got me a new swimsuit and i helped grandpa luke in the diner.

That is wonderful baby ,maybe we will go swimming later . Thanks lorelai for everything.  That means a lot to me !

Anytime logan and all the furniture you all order is all set up where you all wanted . And Rory honey i got the Library and your study all set up as well and your grandfather desk is in your new study ,Grandma instead you have it here and all his books .

Thanks mom and has grandma been her yet ?

She has been here and she wanted to put her own little touch to your house and wanted me to show you the living room .So if you would come with me I will show you what she let for you .

Wow that is beautiful photographer of me and grandpa and I love it I will call her and thank her for that .. Mom do you know if our patio stuff got here and a long the grill and stuff ?

Yes honey it did and luke and I got it set up for you .

Good deal thanks for everything mom .

Hello is anyone around ?

Luke we are outside on the patio with the kids they finally made it home .

Hi everyone ,Glad you all made it safely back and I hope you are hungry I brought lots of food .

Hi luke and u know us Gilmore girls are always loving food . And thanks for helping setting up our house .

You are welcome Rory and Logan . So let's have a dinner and I want to run something by you guys that me and Lorelai have been talking about .

Okay Luke what are your ideas ?

Well we were thinking maybe having a family dinner together so we can catch up on everything that has been going on so that way none of use miss out on anything with our granddaughter or you all life .

That sounds like a great idea luke and especially with our schedules that would be hard to do during the week so how about sundays.?

That sounds good honey . Luke dinner was good like always

Your welcome and there is left overs for you all for later . Lorelei honey I think we should get going I still have to get the diner closed down as well .

Mom and luke why dont you all come for dinner tomorrow night maybe we can have a seafood night and a mixer of everything and do a little swimming as well ?

That sounds like a plan guys just give us a call if you want us to bring anything .

Luke you can bring some pies if you want like blueberry  and strawberry pies and chocolate pie too .

Okay honey I can do that we will see you all tomorrow . Jasmine grandpa and grandma are heading home we will see you tomorrow .

Love you grandpa and grandma see you tomorrow . Momma and daddy am tired can we go up to my room please .

Sure honey let's get you ready for bed . Wow sweetie they did a good job on your room . Come on let us tuck you in bed .

I love you momma and daddy .

We love you too sweetheart sleep well .

Hello to my Readers,
I hope you all enjoyed this chapter . But I have a few surprises for the next chapter .So until the next time to all my readers and there family please be safe .From my family to ours . Love Nikki 💜

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