Chapter 42

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Good morning honey how did you sleep ?
Good morning Elijah I slept really good . So what are the plan for today?
Well I was thinking maybe sight seeing .
That sounds wonderful
Sierra how long can you staying ?
Well that is what I wanted to talk to you
I wanted to see what you though about me moving to the states .
Honey I would love too have you stay Sierra.
I would love that honey because I have missed you while you were gone.
I missed you as well .
Sierra I was wondering what you would think about moving in with me in my house ?
Elijah I would really love that . But now I have a question for you ?
Okay honey what is the question?
Can you come back to London and help me pack and movie stuff ?
I can help you honey I will have to let my secretary know I will be on call  if anyone needs me and I can also bring my laptop with me . When do you want to move ?
I was thinking this weekend if you can make time .
Honey that would be great because we don't work the weekends . We can leave Thursday.
Great and I can have all my stuff shipped here all but the furniture because I own the house and we can vacation there and have a place to stay .
That sounds great honey . So you ready to go sight seeing ?
Yes honey and can we also maybe we can invite your parents to have lunch with us
My mom and dad would love that .
Rory honey  Elijah called and him and Sierra invited us to come have lunch with them today .
Okay Logan did they say where they want to meet at or what Restuartant?
Yes Olive Garden in Haven at 1 pm .
Alright honey sounds like a plan . I will finish this chapter and get in the shower .
Wow Elijah this place is beautiful and can't wait to move here . So what time are we meeting your mom and dad ?
We are meeting them at 1 pm at the Olive Garden.  It in the mean time let's get your bags in the car that you bought . Then we can head over to the restaurant.
Hello welcome to Olive Garden how many in your party ?
There is going to be 4 people .
Okay right this way . Would you like a table or booth?
Booth will be good thanks .
Okay your waitress will be right with you .
Hi mom and dad glad you could make it .
Hi Elijah and Sierra thank you for inviting us .
Hi am your waitress what would you like to drink ?
We would like 4 sweet teas .
Okay are you ready to order ?
We would like 4 spaghetti and meatballs and side salad .
Okay I will place your order and get your drinks .
So mom and dad I wanted to let you know that Sierra is moving to the states this weekend and into my house .
That is wonderful news son .Sierra when are you planing to move here?
Me and Elijah are packing my stuff up this weekend and shipping everything to the new house here.
I am so glad to hear that .
Here is your order is there anything else I can get you.
No that is it for now thanks .
Wow I am stuffed that was some good food .
So Elijah when are you two leaving ?
We are leaving on Thursday morning .
Okay well you all let us know when you get there so I am not worrying if you made it safely.
We will and thank you for coming to lunch with us.
Anytime honey and you all be safe .
We will I love you mom and dad .
We love you to son drive home safe . And call if you need anything son .
I will mom and I will call you tomorrow.
Sierra you make me so happy that you are going to be with me here at my home .And I love you so much honey .
And I love you so much as well Elijah. I am going to call the office . I will see you in a little while .
Elijah honey where you at?
I am in the bedroom honey . Is everything okay honey?
Yes everything is good and I can still running the paper from here . Which is wonderful news for us .
Yes that is wonderful news honey .So do you want to cuddle and watch a movie I have ordered pizza .
Yes that is a lovely idea . I am going to go change be back .
Hi Tina I wanted to make sure that you know I will be gone until Monday . But I have my phone in case you all need anything .
Okay Elijah we will see you Monday .
Elijah honey that movie was good .and that pizza was good as well . We better got some sleep our flight is 8 am .
It was a good movie . Alright  honey I got the alarm set . Good night honey.

Hello Readers
I hope you are enjoyed this chapter . I will try and get another chapter up in a few days . Until next time I hope you all are having a great and safe weekend . Love Nikki❤️

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