1. do it jay!!

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I'm so excited for this book :)
Hope you enjoy reading the first chapter of this book!!!
Jay's POV

"Mum! I'm leaving now!" "Ok son. Have a good first day of the new term. Also here is your lunch." "Mum, I told you I was going to get something from the cafeteria..." "Well, yes, I know. But for your first day, I wanted to make you something." I lightly sighed.

"Ok. Thanks mum. Bye." I hugged her before walking out of the house. I walked towards Heeseung hyung's house, since him and I were planning on walking together.

After waiting a few minutes, the front door of his house opened. I saw Heeseung hyung run out of the house, sprinting towards me. "What is going on?" "My mum was attacking me with kisses." He sounded very out of breath. "Come on. Let's go."

"Are you excited for today?" He asked me. "Why would I be?" "I don't know. Maybe because it's the first day of a new term!" "Well, I don't really care at the moment." "I'll take that as a no." "Correct."

About 10 minutes of walking, we arrived at school. "I gotta go. See ya!" Heeseung jogged away before I could even say bye. He's acting weird. I don't care. I saw in the corner of my eye Sunghoon, Sunoo and Jake. I quickly speed walked towards them. "Hey guys." "Hey hyung!" Sunghoon said.

"What are you guys doing?" I noticed that they were playing this weird game. "We're playing a game and at the end, the loser has to do a dare." Jake said. "How do you play?" "So someone says your name but they point to another person. So than you have to say a player's name but you have to point at someone else," Sunoo explained. "Ok. I think I get it."

We started playing and at first it was going fine. "Jay!" Jake shouted, as he was pointing towards Sunghoon. "Yes! Sunoo!" I accidentally pointed towards Sunoo. "NO!" They all started laughing. "You gotta do a dare," Sunghoon said. I rolled my eyes.

"Ok. What's the dare?" They all looked at each other before gathering in a small circle. I heard them whispering. "So, hyung. You have to.... ask out someone," Jake said. I was confused. "What do you mean? What kind of game are you guys playing at?"

"It's the dare!" Sunoo yelled. "Well, then who will I ask out? I don't like anyone at the moment." "We've already chosen." I looked towards Sunghoon, waiting for him to tell me. "You gotta ask him out." He pointed towards a boy.

"Who is he?" "His name is Ni-Ki. He's friends with my sister's friend, Jungwon." "He's in year 9?" They all nodded. "Why? Give me another dare!" I begged. "No. You gotta do it!" Jake demanded. "Do I get anything?" "Yes." "What?" "You'll see. Now go!!" I rolled my eyes, walking towards this boy.

"Excuse me?" I said as he was facing his back towards me. I looked back at the others and they gave me hand signals to do it. "Excuse me?" I raised my voice louder to grab his attention.

He turned his head, looking at me. "Yes?" "Hello, my name's Park Jay." I brought out my hand for him to shake. He just looked at my hand them back up at me. "Hello? Sorry do you need something?" He fully turned around towards me.

"Oh umm... I wanted to know if you're... uhh... free? This Saturday?" I mentally cursed myself at how dumb I was. "Uhhh... what?" He was extremely confused. "Do you... want to hang out... this Saturday." He had an emotionless expression on his face.

"Umm... I gotta go to class. See you around? I guess?" He walked off. "The bell hasn't even gone yet!" I shouted, making everyone look at me. "Sorry, sorry." I bowed to everyone before walking back to the others. "I'm never doing that again." "Oh yes you are!" Sunoo exclaimed. "What do you mean?"

"You have to date him! That's your dare!" "Why?" "We told you! You will win something at the end. Also because you lost the game." I rolled my eyes out of annoyance. "How could I get him to date me? Huh? It's obvious he doesn't like me and I don't like him either! He didn't even know who I was!"

"You gotta do it hyung." I massaged my temper because of how stressed I was. "See you guys!" Sunoo stood up once the bell rang. We stood up after him and all seperated, going to our homerooms.
Jay's POV

I sat down in my room, looking on my phone when I got a call from Sunghoon. "Yeah?" I asked him once I picked up the phone. "Hello to you too. Anyways, you know how a few days ago we had you ask out that boy named Ni-Ki?" "Yes?" "And, well, that hasn't happened yet and the boy is at my house."

"Why is he at your house?" "He's partners with my sister for a project. So what I was thinking is you come here and... you know." "I'm good thanks." "Come on hyung! I will seriously drag you here." "I don't want to be dragged." "Exactly! So come here! Now!"

"No! I don't want to!" "Ok I'm going over there now." "No! DON'T!" He then hung up on me. I called him about 30 times until he finally picked up. "Are you coming to my house or am I dragging you here?" He asked me. I sighed. "I'll go to your house." I sat up from my bed, putting on my shoes. "I'll be there soon." I then hung up on him.

Why do I have to do this?!? I walked out of the house, going to Sunghoon's house.

After a few minutes, I arrived his house. I saw him standing at him patio with a smirk on his face. I walked up to him and he opened the front door, walking inside with me. "Do you want a snack?" He asked me. "What are you doing?" "Nothing. I'm asking you. Do you want a snack?" "Sure."

He walked into the kitchen and I followed after him. I saw Ni-Ki and Sunghoon's sister, Yeji, sitting at the dining table.

Ni-Ki didn't really notice me until I started talking to Sunghoon. "Do you want a chocolate bar or candy?" "I'll just have a chocolate bar." I quietly cleared my throat as he handed me a chocolate bar. "Oh hey Jay!" Yeji said. I waved to her as I was taking a bite of the chocolate.

"Good?" Sunghoon asked me. "It's chocolate! Of course it's good!" Sunghoon playfully shook his head with a soft smile. "Yeji! Sunghoon! Can you help me! It'll only take a minute." Their mother walked in the room, with tools in her hands. "Where's dad?" Sunghoon asked her. "He's at work. Oh hello Jay!" I bowed to her while saying "Hello Mrs Park." She smiled at me.

"Now Yeji, Sunghoon, come!" They all left the room, leaving Ni-Ki and I alone. It was definitely awkward. It was so quiet that I could hear the pencil that he was using.

"So... they have good paintings... on their walls," I awkwardly pointed out. "Yeah..." I mentally hit my head at how awkward I was. "What is the project on?" "History of South Korea's royal family..." I nodded, taking a bite of the chocolate bar.

"Hold on, are you Japanese?" I asked him this because he didn't really sound Korean and, well, he doesn't really look Korean either. "Umm yeah. How'd you know?" "I watch a lot of anime and I sort of know Japanese. But you have a Japanese accent and you look Japanese so I was just wondering."

"Well you were right. I'm Japanese. But you can speak Japanese?" I nodded. "Yes I can speak Japanese," I said, in Japanese. "Wooh! Your Japanese is really good." "Oh thanks." "So what's your favo-" "I'm back." Yeji interrupted him once she came back in the room.

Sunghoon also walked back in, grabbing a chocolate bar for himself.
Fun Fact: A human head remains conscious for 20 seconds after being decapitated...
Maybe that wasn't the best fun fact to start this book with... but I don't really care so it's fine.
Hope you enjoyed reading this chapter!
Words: 1405

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