19. eighteen!

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Sorry for not publishing yesterday!
Hope you enjoy reading this chapter :}
(Ok, the face is getting a little bit scary now).
On a Saturday...
9:30 am...
Jay's POV

"Jay, honey, wake up." My mum walked up to my room, softly patting my leg. "Huh?" I raised my head, rubbing my eyes. I saw my dad standing next to her with something in his hands. "Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday dear Jay! Happy Birthday to you!!!!" They both sang. I smiled, sitting up properly.

"Thank you!" I exclaimed. "I made you some pancakes and your dad and I got you a present!" I brightly looked up at them. "I got you this." He handed me a box and I quickly opened it. What I saw in the box was the last thing I excepted my parents to get for my birthday.

"Soju?" I lifted a bottle up in the air, looking up at them. "Well-." "SOJU!" My parents stared at me, blinking their eyes multiple times. "Can I have some now?" I asked them. "Now?" My mum asked. "Yeah." "Maybe have food first?" I sighed, placing it back in the box.

"Come downstairs to have the pancakes!" I followed them downstairs, sitting on a stool at the kitchen counter. I took of the pancakes, giving my mum a smile to tell her that I like the food.

"Are planning to go out with any of your friends today?" My dad asked me. "I haven't planned anything." "Don't forget, we have a family lunch at 12!" "Yeah, yeah."

I soon finished my breakfast and I quickly went up to my room. I heard my phone start to ring so I quickly grabbed it from my bedside table. I noticed that Heeseung hyung was calling me.

"Hey hyung!" "Happy 18th Birthday!" "Thanks." "Your welcome. You're now officially an adult." "I don't wanna be an adult." "What? You wanna skip to an elderly or something?" "No! I'm just not ready." "You are." "How do you know?" "I'm 18 as well!" "You don't act like you are."

He didn't respond back. "Sorry! Sorry, hyung." "Ah, it's fine. I don't care. Anyway, maybe I will see you later today." "Huh? W-what do you mean?" "You shall see!" He then hung up leaving me confused. I looked at my phone screen for a second before throwing it onto my bed.
2:05 pm...
Jay's POV

My parents and I just arrived back home after having a family dinner to celebrate my 18th birthday. "Jay, do you wanna have the soju now?" My dad walked up to me with a bottle of soju in his hands.

I stared at the soju bottle for a while before nodding. My dad smiled at me, going to open the lid. He tightly pulled on the lid to open it. By the time the lid came off, his face was really red. Because he was using all his strength to open the lid. "Here." My dad handed me the bottle. The smell of the soju tasted like grapes. It was a really delicious and sweet smell.

I took a sip and my eyes widened instantly. "It's so sweet!" "Obviously it is. I got you the grape flavour." I took multiple sips, smiling after single everyone. "Jay, calm down." My dad brought his hands up toward the soju bottle.

I handed it back to him with a small pout. "I'm going to my room now." I walked up the stairs, going towards my bedroom. Once I got inside my room, I closed the door and sat on my bed. I sunk into the pillows, stretching out my limbs.

I was resting on my bed for only a few minutes when I felt my phone buzzing from my bag. I grabbed my phone, noticing Ni-Ki's contact on the screen. "Hi Ni-Ki." "Happy Birthday hyung!!" "Thanks Ni-Ki." "Have you gotten any interesting presents?" "I tried soju." I heard him enthusiastically gasp. "Did you get the grape flavour?"

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