18. raining

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Hope you enjoy reading this chapter!
(There wasn't a raining one...)
On a Tuesday...
12:30 pm...
Jay's POV

"Jay hyung!" Sunghoon yelled out from the table he was sitting at. I walked away from the cafeteria counter, going towards him to sit down next to him. "Where is everyone else?" I asked. He just shrugged, continuing to eat his food.

I looked at the tray of food that is placed on the table. "They're coming." Sunghoon quickly tapped my leg, pointing at the others coming up to our table. Sunoo and Jungwon ran up to our table, grabbing a seat. "What were you guys doing?" I asked them. "Nothing interesting," Sunoo replied with. Jake and Ni-Ki walked up to the table as well, placing their trays on the table.

"Jay hyung?" Jungwon turned towards me. "Yes?" "What's that thing you do with your hands?" "That's random." "Well, Sunoo hyung and I were talking about the unique things we could do and I remembered that you could do that finger thingy." I lightly chuckled while nodding.

"You want me to do it now?" He nodded. "Ok." I took my index finger, bending it all the way backwards, touching the back of my palm. Everyone was watching me do this. They all either had uncomfortable facial expressions or held their fingers out of shock and fear. 

"How do you do that?" Jungwon asked me. "I don't know. I just have double-jointed fingers... I guess." "Does it hurt?" Ni-Ki asked me. "No, not really." I watched him look at his finger, trying to do it.
"Ni-Ki, I don't recommend doing that." "Why?" "Well, you could seriously hurt yourself."

He placed his hands in his lap with a small pout. I just smiled, turning back to eat my food. I felt that they were all staring at me as I was eating. So I looked up and saw everyone, except Ni-Ki, staring at me. "What?" I asked them. "Nothing..." Jake said with a suspicious look. "Why are you guys looking at me?" I yelled. Everyone started to eat, averting their eyes to the trays of food.

I looked at them all, confused. Why were they looking at me? Did I do something? Was it the hand thing? I don't understand.

I looked at Ni-Ki, since he was the only one who wasn't staring at me. I gave him a look, asking him what they were doing. He shrugged with a small smile.
3:17 pm...
Ni-Ki's POV

I was sitting in class, watching the clock tick away. I was waiting for the bell to ring since I was so tired!

I started writing in my book, taking notes, when the school bell loudly rang. I quickly took all my things, stuffing it in my bag. I then walked out of the room, going towards Jungwon hyung who was at his locker.

"Hyung? Do wanna walk home together?" "Sorry, I can't." "What? Why? It's raining! And you know that I don't bring an umbrella to school!" "Why don't you bring an umbrella to school?" "Because... I usually always walk home with you, and you always have an umbrella in your bag so...." He sighed, turning to fully face towards me.

"I'm going to this thing down the street with my family." "Why don't I go with you?" "Uhh... Ni-Ki, it's a family thing and I don't recall you being  related to me. Plus, I don't think my parents want me to bring any friends because we all know what happened last time I brought you." I pouted, resting my back against the locker. "Ok... I guess I'm going to have to walk in the rain... by myself... without an umbrella...." "Okie!"

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