13. getting out

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Hope you enjoy reading this chapter!
2:17 pm...
Jay's POV

"Do you want to go out with your father and I for New Years?" My mum sat down next to me on the couch. "No, I'm ok." I shook my head, focusing on the TV. She sighed. "Ok...." She stood up, going towards her room to get ready.

I have moved on from Ni-Ki but not at the same time. I have started going outside in the backyard but that is it. I haven't gone out to somewhere for awhile. I've stopped crying everyday and I don't stay in my room all day. But I feel like when we go back to school next year, everything will just take a turn for the worst.

I turned my head to the front door once I heard a knock. I looked around the house, trying to see if my parents were going to get it. They were too busy so I just opened the door.

"Heeseung hyung? What are you doing here?" "I just wanted to see you. Can I come in?" "Yeah, sure." I opened the door wider for him to walk in. We sat down on the couch and I quickly turned towards him. "I don't believe that you're here to just
'see me'."

"Fine. The others and I are going Hangang Park for New Years and we thought tha-." "No! No! No! I'm staying here. I don't want to go anywhere." "Jongseong! You've been in this house for about 2 months now! You can't stay here during New Years! This is the last New Years that you'll be underage! You're going to be 18 next year an-."

"Fine hyung! I'll go with you! Just stop annoying me!!" "Good, but I'm not annoying you. I'm telling you the truth. I'll tell the others that you're coming." "Who are the others?" "Jake, Sunghoon and Sunoo." I nodded, looking out the window.

"Heeseung! What a pleasure to see you!" My mum opened her arms out to hug Heeseung hyung. He gave her a small hug with a smile. This reminded me of that one time when Ni-Ki and I came to my house, and my mum was all excited to see him. I softly slapped my cheek to get rid of the smile that was on my face.

"What are you doing here?" My mum asked Heeseung hyung. "I'm here because Jay has decided to go out with me for New Years." She enthusiastically gasped. "I'm glad that he's going out. He really needs it." I looked down, noticing how they were staring at me. "Come! Come! I made cookies!" My mum walked into the kitchen with Heeseung.

"So, how was your graduation? She asked him. "It was great!" I walked up into my room, changing into something to wear when we go to Hangang Park. I then walked back downstairs, sitting on the couch.

"Have you had the cookies yet?" Heeseung hyung asked me once he sat down on the couch with a handful of cookies. "Yes, I ha- why did you get so many?" "I thought... that I could give some cookies to the others." "So you didn't get it because you wanted them all?" "Yep!" I faced back to the TV, continuing the show I was watching.

"You know it's only like 2 o'clock? We're not leaving until 5." "We are? You didn't tell me."
7:47 pm...
Ni-Ki's POV

"Have you got everything?" My mum started running around the house, grabbing things that she didn't even need to bring. "Mum, you don't need 5 plastic bottles of water, a clock and a charger! We're going to Hangang Park!" She lightly sighed. "You're right." "Yeah, we can get water from a shop there and you don't need a clock because you have your phone. Also, we don't need a charger."

"Ok! Ok! I'll put it away." She walked out of the room, putting away all the unnecessary items. I grabbed my phone that was charging on the counter, placing it in my bag. "You ready?" My mum came back in the room, grabbing all her things. I nodded and we soon walked out of the house.

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