23. dakbal

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I just wanted to say hello... :)
Hope you enjoy reading this chapter!!
(Is it meant to be a cow or pig? Idk).
On a Saturday...
11:08 am...
Jay's POV

I was laying down on my bed, scrolling through my phone when I heard the doorbell ring. "Why is someone here? Who is here?" I asked myself. "Jay! There's someone here to see you!!" My dad yelled from downstairs.

I was confused. "What? OH MY GOD! NI-KI!!" I quickly grabbed my bag, running down the stairs. Once I got downstairs, I checked what I was wearing.

Before Ni-Ki got here, I just threw on the first piece of clothing I found in my closet. Luckily, it was just a plain top and some jeans.

"Hey hyung," Ni-Ki said. "Hello. Let's go now?" "Yep." I walked out of the house, walking side by side with Ni-Ki. "So what exactly is this place we're going to?" Ni-Ki asked me. "Well, obviously we're going to have lunch first. Then we're going to the cherry blossom festival."

He gasped, looking at me with a bright smile. "You didn't tell me about that!" "Now you know." He clicked his tongue and had an annoyed face with a small smile. "What are we eating?" He asked me. "What do want to eat? I don't mind." "Dakbal!" He exclaimed. "Really? I've never seen you eat dakbal."

(Dakbal is chicken feet... yes, chicken feet. But hey, who am I to judge? I've never tried it... or seen it before...)

"Hyung, just because you haven't seen me eat it before doesn't mean I haven't tried it!" "I guess."
1:17 pm...
Ni-Ki's POV

"Was that good or was that good?!?" I asked Jay hyung. "Yeah, it was surprisingly good. I didn't expect dakbal to taste like that." We both stood up, walking towards the counter.

"That'll be $21 please," The woman over the counter said. "Ok," Jay hyung said about to grab out his wallet. "Hyung, can we split it?" I asked him. "Why?" "Because I feel like we should. You shouldn't keep on paying for us both." He sighed before nodding. "Sure. Ok." I happily smiled, grabbing out my wallet from my pocket.

We spilt the bill, $10.50 each. "Thank you!" The woman exclaimed. We both then walked away, opening the door.

"Where is this festival?" I asked him once we got outside. "It's about a 10 minute walk from here. Are you ok with that?" "Yeah, yeah. I don't care." "Great! Now, follow me." He grabbed my hand, guiding me towards the cherry blossom festival.

I looked down at our hands that were enclasped together. I wiggled my finger in his hand. I looked up at his side profile and saw that there was a small smile on his face. I then proceeded to look down at our hands that were now swaying.

Even though it was a bit windy, I felt quite hot. I felt my cheeks slowly heat up. My hands, that were cold, are now warm because of holding Jay hyung's hand. I know, when you hold someone's hand your hand will get feel warm. But holding his hand made me feel warm. Not just my hand.

"You ok there?" Jay hyung asked. "Huh? Oh, yeah. I'm good." I looked up at him, giving him a small smile. He gave me a smile before looking back in front of him.

I softly sighed. I put my focus on the things that we were walking by. I saw small stands that sell many different things spread throughout the whole street. I noticed the food stores and the clothing stores. I searched through the glass of the stores, wanting to see what things they had.

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