11. all because of a dare...

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Haechan from NCT is in this chapter... :)
He's not in it for along time tho.
Hope you enjoy reading this chapter!
1st week of school...
Sunghoon's POV

"Sunghoon hyung!" I was walking in the school hallway when I heard someone calling my name. I looked around, noticing Sunoo giving me hand signals to come towards him. "What?" I hesitantly walked up towards him.

"Come on!" He dragged me into a classroom. I saw Jake hyung and Heeseung hyung in the room. "What do you guys want?" "Do you know what happened over the school holidays?" Sunoo asked me. I shook my head. "Jay hyung asked Ni-Ki to be his... you know." "What? To be his what?" "Boyfriend!"

My eyes slightly widened. "What? They're dating? Like officially together?" They all nodded. "Is it apart of the dare we gave Jay hyung?" "We don't know," Jake hyung said. "What dare?" Heeseung asked us.

"Well, we sort of gave Jay hyung a dare... to uh... ask Ni-Ki out," Jake hyung explained. Heeseung hyung stood there, confused. "Jay hyung is with Ni-Ki because of a dare!" I shouted. "Sunghoon hyung! Why are you yelling?" "Sorry." We all turned back to Heeseung hyung who was trying to process everything.

"So you're telling me that Jay is with Ni-Ki because you guys gave him a dare?" "Yep, that basically sums it all up," Jake hyung plainly said. "That's mes-." Heeseung hyung was interrupted by heavy running coming from the corridor.

Jake hyung looked in the hallway to see who it was. He then ran after someone while screaming something inaudible.
Jay's POV

"So you got that all down?" I asked Haechan hyung. "Yep! Now y-." "Jay hyung...." I heard someone whimper from behind me. I turned around to find Ni-Ki with watery eyes.

"What's wrong Ni-Ki?" I rushed towards him, full of worry. But he immediately pushed me away. "What-
Ni-Ki, what happened?" "Are you wth me because of a dare?" I started mentally panicking. I turned my head to see Haechan hyung slowly backing away. "Ni-Ki w-what are y-." "There's no point in lying hyung. I-I already know."

I heard running coming from down the hallway. "No Ni-Ki I-." "STOP LYING! I heard them talking about it i-in the classroom!" "NI-KI!" I heard someone scream. "Who?" I asked Ni-Ki. "Heeseung hyung...." Heeseung hyung? He doesn't know anything about the dare.

Heeseung hyung, Jake, Sunghoon and Sunoo then came running towards us, out of breath. "Ni-Ki, I wasn't dared-." "Why are you still lying? I know you did! Just admit it!" I started feeling my eyes get watery as he was yelling.

"Why did you one day, out of nowhere, come up to me and ask me to hang out with you? Huh? I didn't know who you were and neither did you! Y-you were dared to ask me out. Y-you're... you're playing with my feelings! You don't a-actually like me." I saw the others watching from the corner of my eye.

"Listen, at first it was all just a dare but now I-." "Now you what? You're playing with my feelings? Jay hyung I-I thought you... I thought you liked me but I was wrong...." He walked away with tears falling down from his eyes. "Ni-Ki! I like you! I started to like you! I started to grow feelings for you along time ago!"

He just kept on walking. He didn't look back. I then dropped the book that was in my hands. Jake walked up to me. "Jay hyung, I'm so-." "Why did you guys talk about it? What were you doing?" "Jay hyung, we're sorry," Sunoo came up to me but I quickly stopped him.

It Was A Dare... | Jayki | Enhypen Where stories live. Discover now