5. home alone ;)

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Hope you enjoy reading this chapter!
School Holidays
Ni-Ki's POV

"Ni-Ki! Your father and I are going out tonight!" My mum shouted from the living room. "Where are you going?" I sat down next to her, searching for something we could watch. "We're going to a restaurant for our 28th anniversary." "You've been married for 28 years?!?" She massaged her temple, placing the empty mug in her hand on the table.

"What do you mean Ni-Ki? Did you not know?" I slowly shook my head. She scoffed, walking out of the room. "Wait mum!" She stopped in her tracks, turning around to face me. "When are you leaving?" "We're leaving at... 5:45 pm so we could get there before it gets really packed." "What time are you coming home?" "I'll call you when we're on our way home."

I nodded, turning towards the TV. I found a
K-Drama that I could watch. I switched it on, grabbing a packet of chips.
5:42 pm...
Ni-Ki's POV

"Have you gotten everything?" My mum asked my dad as they were about to leave. He nodded, walking out of the house. "Goodbye Ni-Ki! We're leaving now." "Bye mum! Also can you bring me some food from the restaurant?" "Yes Ni-Ki!" I went to hug her before she was about to leave.

"You know you could invite a friend if you want to?" I nodded. She kissed my cheek before she walked out the door. I locked the front door, walking back into the living room.
6:30 pm...
Ni-Ki's POV

My eyes were seriously glued to the screen. The show I was watching was so interesting! It was a show called Squid Game and oh my god... it's crazy but so good.

I looked at my phone because I felt it buzz. I noticed that it was 6:30! It's almost been an hour since my parents left?!? I thought it's been about 20-30 minutes. I walked into the kitchen, looking for something quick I could make.

The first thing that popped in my mind was ramen! I looked in the cupboard... and there was no ramen! "Jeez! We had 10 packets on Sunday! Where did it all go?" I said to myself. I thought maybe I could order dinner instead.

But what should I order? I want to get a lot of things! I grabbed my phone so I find something to get. In the end I decided on pizza, since it's just the easiest thing to order really. I was planning on getting only one medium cheese pizza, but I ended up getting a large cheese pizza, along with fried chicken and chocolate brownies... I'm hungry ok?

As soon as I sat back in the living room I heard my phone ringing from the kitchen. I quickly stood up, walking towards the kitchen. "Hello?" I heard the person say. I could immediately tell who it was. Well, I did see whose contact it was but even if I didn't, I would know.

"Hey Jay hyung!" "Hi Ni-Ki! I was wondering how you were, because I haven't seen you at all during the school holidays." "It's my parents' anniversary today. They're out at the moment, so I'm all by myself. What have you been doing?" I'm so happy that I'm talking to Jay hyung.

I haven't spoken to him in forever, so it's nice to talk to him. "I'm not doing anything." "Do you wanna come over?" I thought that it would be a good idea, because my mum said that it would ok if a friend came over. Also because, I'm alone and I don't like being alone.

"Sure! I'll be there in... 10 minutes?" "Ok! Bye hyung!" "Bye Ni-Ki!" He then hung up. I couldn't stop smiling as I was walking towards the living room. I always love hanging out with Jay hyung.

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