2. ice skating

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I put a little story time at the end of this chapter.
It's an embarrassing yet hilariously funny story.
Hope you enjoy reading :)
Ni-Ki's POV

"Stop! You're annoying me!" I pushed Jungwon away from me because he was getting on my last nerve. "No." He kept on fidgeting with my things, making weird noises.

"What are you doing?" "I'm just bored! There's nothing to do." "Do you want to go somewhere?" "Where?" "Maybe we could go to that new ice skating rink." "Why?" "I feel like it! Now let's go." I pulled him up by his arm, dragging him downstairs. We left my house, using google maps to navigate us to the skating rink.

"Where did you hear about this ice skating rink? You don't really skate..." "Yeji told me about. She said her older brother, Sunghoon, skates there. So I wanted to check it out." "Oh. Ok." "Wait have you ever skated before?" I asked him. He shook his head. "Well, then you're in for a fun ride." I then speed walked, to get further away from him.

"YAH! NI-KI! WHAT DO YOU MEAN BY THAT?!?" I sprinted towards the skating rink with him chasing after me. I walked inside after signing in. He followed after me with an angry expression. "What?!?" I asked him. "You left me there!" "It's fine. Now, let's skate!" I grabbed his wrist, running towards where we would get the ice skates. 

After paying for the ice skates, we got onto the ice. At first, we just stood there while squeezing each other's hands since we didn't want to fall. But then we were able to start doing little penguin steps. Although, we still held onto the wall for dear life!

"Tell me, why we're doing this?" Jungwon hyung said. "You were bored." "So we're doing this all because I was bored?!?" "Yep. Also because I really wanted to come here." He rolled his eyes before looking back down at his feet.

This boy then went past us and he looked familiar. "Sunghoon?!?" We then both fell backwards onto ice. I heard Sunghoon hyung chuckle before skating towards us. "What are you guys doing here?" He helped us up with a happy smile on his face. "Your sister told me about this place. I wanted to see it." "Really?" "Yeah. You're really good at ice skating."

"Well, I've been doing it for about 6 or 7 years. Is this your first time skating?" "Well it's my first time. But Ni-Ki has done it before." I nodded. Sunghoon hyung then gave a hand signal for someone for come towards us. "Come hyung!" Jungwon and I turned our heads and there I saw Jay.

I rolled my eyes, turning away. He annoys me so much!!! I mean he's nice and all but he bugs me a lot! "Yeah Sunghoon? Oh hey Ni-Ki and Jungwon!" I waved to him. "Hey hyung!" Jungwon hyung said. "I didn't know you guys like to skate." "Well we don't really skate. But Ni-Ki thought that it would be a good idea to go skating, since we seriously had nothing to do."

"Well I'm here because SOMEONE begged me to come." "I didn't beg you, I asked you," Sunghoon stated. "Yeah, sure." Sunghoon hyung rolled his eyes before turning back to us. "Do you guys want to get something from the cafe here after?" Sunghoon hyung asked us.

Jungwon hyung smiled at him before nodding. "That's good. Now why don't we help you learn the basics on skating. Huh?" "What does Jay know about skating?" Jungwon hyung asked. "Hey, that's hyung to you. But I'm not bad at skating." "I taught him the basics." Sunghoon hyung interrupted Jay, making him frown. I softly giggled at how Jay's confidence went down really quickly.

(I don't know how to skate so I'm just going to do a time skip. I have gone skating before, but when I did... I fell on a boy.... so I'm never going skating ever again!!)
1 hour and 45 minutes later
Ni-Ki's POV

"What do you guys want to get?" Sunghoon hyung asked us as we sat down on a table at the cafe. "I don't want a big meal, so I'll just get hot chips... and... a slushy," Jungwon hyung said. "Why? We just ice skated, where it would be freezing cold, and you want a slushy?" I asked him.

He looked at me with an emotionless face. I turned away from him, looking back to the menu. "I'll have to same as you, but I'll have hot chocolate instead," I explained. The others nodded. "I'm gonna get churros and hot chocolate," Jay hyung blurted out. "They have churros?!?" Sunghoon exclaimed. "Yeah, they do." "Ok, I'm going to get churros and an americano."

(americano~ joa~ joa~ joa-... sorry I had to)

We went to the counter, ordering everything. We then sat back at our table, waiting for the food. I rested back in my chair as the others were talking. If I'm gonna be honest... I don't want to be here! I wanted to skate, then leave. But of course Jay hyung had to be here! He's everywhere! I've only known him for a few days and he's everywhere... I just don't like him!!!!

"Are you ok Ni-Ki? You're zoning out," Jay hyung said. I looked up at the others. "Yeah... I'm fine." They all looked at me, not believing what I was saying. "I'm fine! Ok! I'm fine!" I whined. "Here is the 2 hot chocolates, slushy and americano. You're food will be ready soon. Enjoy!" A waitress exclaimed while placing our drinks on the table.

"Thank you," Jay hyung said. The waitress smiled at us before walking off. "Is it good?" Jungwon asked me, as I sipped a little bit of the hot chocolate. "Yes, it's yummy and warm. Unlike your slushy." I pointed towards the slushy that was in his hand. He looked down at it, taking a big sip of it. "It's v-very cold." He closed his eyes shut while scrunching his nose.

"Do you have a brain freeze?" Sunghoon asked him. He slightly nodded. "I told you! You should've gotten something warm." "Yeah, maybe I should've." "Here's your chips and churros! Enjoy your food!" The waitress placed our food on the table before walking away.

"The churros are amazing!" Sunghoon hyung exclaimed as he turned towards Jay hyung, who had a mouth full of churros. "Mmm hmm!" Jay hyung exclaimed while nodding. "I wanna try!" Jungwon hyung begged them for some churros. "Here." Sunghoon handed him a churro and almost instantly Jungwon's face lit up when he took a bite.

"It's very good! Ni-Ki, you have to try it." "Ok." I turned towards Jay hyung and Sunghoon hyung. I noticed Sunghoon hyung tell Jay hyung to give a churro to me. Can't he just give it to me?!? "Here you go Ni-Ki." Jay hyung gave me a churro. I looked at it before taking a bite.

I smiled before eating the whole thing. "You guys should of gotten churros instead," Jay hyung said.

After about 30 minutes of eating, we left the ice rink. "See you guys tomorrow?" Sunghoon said. "Yeah, bye!" Jungwon exclaimed. We waved at them before walking off.

"Do you want to go ice skating again?" Jungwon hyung asked me. I looked at him. "No. Definitely no." "Why?" "I don't need to explain." "Yes you do Ni-Ki. I don't understand why you don't want to go again. I thought you had fun." "HYUNG! I just don't want to go again! Ok?" "Oh... ok. But I'm gonna go again. I'll ask Sunghoon hyung to meet up with me."

"So you like hanging out with them?" "They're nice. I don't know why you're so mad." "I'm not mad. I just..." "You just?" "Never mind." "Ni-Ki!" "What?!?" He looked at me while thinking deeply about something. "Nothing... nothing." I rolled my eyes, before we walked back up to my house.

So when I was in like year 2 (7 or 8 years old), I went on an excursion with my grade. We went to the movies, because every year (usually) we would go on an excursion to the cinemas. Anyway! While watching the movie the person on right was one of my friends, who's a girl, and the person on my left...happened to be the boy I had a crush on at the time...

Throughout the whole movie I would brush my hand against his... and try to hold his hand... but he would yank his hand away every time. (I'm cringing while writing this). I told my friend that I was doing this and to this day she still teases me about it! Also I'm still in contact with him... I mean I don't have his number but I have his Snapchat... I'm also good friends with his cousins, so that's fun!
Fun Fact: High heels were originally worn by men.
Hope you enjoyed reading this chapter!
Words: 1513

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