14. instagram

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Hope you enjoy reading this chapter!
The 1st of January...
7:38 am...
Ni-Ki's POV

I heard this ringing sound coming from my phone. I covered my ears, squeezing my eyes shut. After a few minutes, the ringing soon stopped. I relaxed my eyes, getting comfortable on the bed.

The ringing then started again! I widely opened my eyes, grabbing my phone. I noticed that Jungwon hyung was trying to FaceTime me. I answered, letting the screen face the ceiling.

"Why are you calling me at 7 in the morning?!?" I sleepily whined. "I just wanted to say HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!" "I celebrated New Years with you already. Also, why are you so loud and energetic?" "It's because of that candy... I might've finished them all just now." "Why?" "I wanted too! Anyways, I also called you because you have to tell me something."

"What?" I lifted the phone up, showing Jungwon hyung my face expression. "What do I have to tell you?" I asked him. "You... were crying last night... and you said you were going to tell me why you were crying...." "Oh.... Do I really need to tell you now?" "Yes! I am not free for the rest of the day, because I'm having a family gathering for New Year's and everything."

"Ok... I'll tell you why I was crying! So when you asked me to throw some plastic in the bin I might've bumped into Heeseung hyung." "Really? He was there?" "Yep! But uhhh... he showed me who he was there with and... I saw Jay hyung." "Oh... so that is why you were crying. I get it now."

"Yep...." "I'll talk to you later then?" "What? You're going to hang up on me? I'm fully awake now!!" Then he hung up. I slightly pouted, looking at my face on the screen. I then put my phone away, trying to get comfortable on the bed.

I turned, facing the right. I sighed, because after laying there for about 5 minutes I started to get uncomfortable and sort of hot. I faced the other way and the same thing happened!!! I turned, facing the ceiling.

I actually started to get tired. But then... I got a notification on my phone! I just ignored it. Now I can't fall asleep. I'm not tired anymore. I just sat up, resting my back against the pillow. If I get tired, I will just try and fall asleep. But in the meantime I will just look on my phone.

I was on my phone for about 20 minutes when I decided that I would go on Instagram. Just to look and see what people have posted for New Years. I saw some of my school friends posting things with their families. Some of my family members from back in Japan, celebrating New Year.

I was scrolling through different photos of different people, when I saw something. I noticed that one of the photos were taken exactly where someone was sitting at Hangang Park.... It was very easy for me tell where it was taken at Hangang Park.

I swiped through the pictures. One of the photos were Jay hyung. I stared at him in photo but I quickly snapped myself out of it. I then went to his Instagram account. I wouldn't call it stalking exactly, I was just scrolling through all his photos...

I somehow got so far down that I started seeing photos that we took while on our dates. He didn't delete them? I thought he would delete them but he didn't.

I found myself spending almost 30 minutes just going through all his photos. I ended up accidentally liking one of his photos from 2015!!! I started panicking and I seriously almost threw my phone across the room.

I tried to calm myself down and quickly unlike the photo. I searched up 'will someone be able to see if you liked them unliked a photo?' What came up was 'A notification will immediately disappear after you unlike a photo on Instagram.' THANK GOD! Let's just hope he isn't awake.
Jay's POV

"JAY!" My mum yelled from downstairs. I sat up, rubbing my eyes. I yawned, slouching my back as I was looking at the mirror. I heard a notification from my phone making me turn my head towards my bedside table.

I grabbed my phone, noticing that someone liked one of my photos. I laughed once I saw who it was. I was smiling but I was shocked. Why is Ni-Ki liking one of my photos? I clicked on the notification to see what photo he liked. 2015!!! I was expecting a photo from last night! Not 2015!! Is he like stalking my Instagram?

I immediately stood up from my bed. I walked downstairs, while looking at the photo he liked. After awhile, I noticed that his like was missing. It was just gone! "Jay! Are you ready?" "No." My mum sighed. "What are you doing??? Come on! Get ready!" "Why do we have to leave so early?"

"Do you want to be the first in line?" I softly nodded. "Then get ready." "Ok...." I walked back up towards my room, grabbing the first piece of clothing that I saw.
4:30 pm...
Ni-Ki's POV

"Do you want to get ice cream or frozen yoghurt?" Jungwon hyung asked me. "Uhh... ice cream?" "Okie!" We walked up towards the ice cream stand. "What do you wanna get?" He asked me. "I want to get... chocolate!" "Ok, I'll just get the same."

We waited in the line for about a minute or so. "Hello! What would you like to get?" The man asked us. "We'll get 2 chocolate ice creams, in... a cone?" Jungwon hyung turned towards me. "Yep!" I nodded, saying yes to a cone.

They man scooped up some ice cream from the tubs,  putting them in a cone. He then handed us the ice cream. "Thank you!" I exclaimed. "Your welcome!" We then walked towards a bench, sitting down.

"I love this park! It's always so peaceful!" Jungwon hyung exclaimed. "It won't be peaceful anymore if you keep on shouting like that." "NI-KI!!" People started staring at us. "Sorry! Sorry! Sorry!" I had to apologise to the strangers.

Jungwon hyung had an embarrassed expression. After finishing my ice cream, I turned towards Jungwon hyung and he almost immediately started laughing. "What?" He pointed at my face. "You've got ice cream all over your face!!" Jungwon hyung started wheezing. "Hyung!! Stop it!!" "No!"

I just sat there, trying my best to look offended. "You gotta wipe your mouth." I tried to look for a napkin. "Here." Jungwon hyung handed me a napkin from his bag. "Thanks." I wiped my mouth, throwing it in the bin.

I sat next to him, facing him. "What?" He asked me, with an eyebrow raised. "Something happened this morning...." "What...?" "I may have liked a photo of Jay hyung from 2015...." "2015!!! WHY WERE YOU LOOKING AT HIS PHOTOS FROM 2015?!?" I pursed my lips while awkwardly scratching my nape.

"I unliked it. So let's just hope that he didn't see the notification...." "Yep, but if he did... you're dead.""Why would I be dead?" "Do I have to explain?" I smiled while shaking me head.

(Little do they know...)
Something you guys didn't need to know but the first book I ever read on wattpad had... something... in it that I'd rather not say... and I didn't know what the 'word' meant.
The author gave us warning at the beginning of the chapter but I didn't know what the word was and I didn't think of searching it up... FOR SOME REASON!
Let's just say I'm forever traumatised...
Fun Fact: Scientists can turn peanut butter into diamonds...
Idk how scientists do it but they do it.
Hope you enjoyed reading this chapter!
Words: 1317

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