26. hug day

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Sorry I didn't publish the last 2 days!!
Just so many people have been wanting to hang out with me this past month.
I'm kidding.
I've been busy doing schoolwork... yay...
Hope you enjoy reading this chapter :}
(Am I the only one who's horrified of this face??)
During school holidays
10:36 am...
Ni-Ki's POV

I slowly opened my eyes only to shut them again because of the light coming from the window. I lazily sat up with my eyes still closed. I stayed still trying to open my eyes. Once I fully opened my eyes I grabbed my phone scrolling through it while laying down on my bed.

I saw the door slowly open. "Hello?" The person said while peeking their head through the door. Although, it wasn't my mum's voice. But I knew who it was just by hearing the voice.

"Jay hyung?" I sat up as soon as I saw him walk into the room. "Hey," he said.

He sat down next to me with a smile. "Good morning Ni-Ki." "What are you doing here?" I asked him. "I'm here to see you!" "I know that and I'm happy to see you." "Then-" "Forget about it. I don't know what I'm saying."

He held my hand before hugging me. I hugged him back with a bright smile on my face.

"Did my mum let you in?" I asked him. "Yes, and I don't have a key. How could I get in?" He retracted from the hug looking at me with a smirk.

"True. But for all I know you could've come in through a window." He just shook his head with a smile.

"Have you had breakfast yet?" I asked him. "Yeah. I made myself some breakfast back at home. Come on, let's go downstairs."

He was about to stand up from the bed when I stopped him by grabbing his hand. I pulled him back into a hug letting us fall backwards onto the bed.

"No," I said. He lightly laughed and hugged me back, placing his arms around my waist.

"When did you get here?" I asked him wrapping my arms around his neck. "Uhh... only a few minutes ago." "Ah, ok."

"I know this is random, but what was your first impression of me?" He asked me. "My first impression?" "Yeah." "Oh, well, it's not that I didn't like you but I thought you were a bit weird. Just a bit though!" He lightly chuckled at what I said.

"I was weird to you?" He asked. "Just a little bit though." "It's ok. I'm not offended. But why was I weird? Did I act weird?" "Well, you were just everywhere I go! Everywhere I went you were there so just thought-" "That I was following you?" "No... just... I thought... yeah, probably." We both laughed because of my realisation.

"Ok, but what was your impression of me?" I asked him while cupping my face. "Uhh... I think I thought you were nice and sweet? I guess? I don't know. I don't exactly remember. But I know that I thought you were nice."

I was happy with his response. I thought he would say something completely opposite but he didn't.

"Do you wanna have breakfast now?" He asked me about to sit up when I pulled him back down. "Stay with me!! Because you're all I need!!!" I sang.

(Sorry, idk why I wrote that. I remembered that there was a song named Stay with me so I looked it up and I saw that song).

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