3. the museum

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Hope you enjoy reading this chapter!
Ni-Ki's POV

"Let's go to class?" Jungwon said, as we stood at our lockers. "You can go. I need to ask Yeji about the history project." He smiled at me before walking away.

"Where is she?" I looked through the hallways to see if she was here yet. "YEJI!" I saw her walk into the school from the main entrance. "Yeah?" "Did you finish your slides for the project?" "Yes, but can't you just look and see if I have done it yet?" "Well, for some reason, I wasn't able to see if you did it or not." "Oh. Ok bye." "Bye."

She walked into the school, leaving me at the front entrance. "Oh hey Ni-Ki." I turned to see Jay hyung behind me. "Oh, hi..." "Are you waiting for someone?" "I was waiting for Yeji." He nodded. Luckily the bell went and I quickly walked away.
Ni-Ki's POV

I walked to the cafeteria, grabbing a tray of food. I looked all over the cafeteria trying to find Jungwon hyung, but I couldn't see him. "Ni-Ki! I'm here!" Jungwon hyung waved his hands up in the air, as he was sitting down at table.

As I walked closer towards him, I noticed that he was sitting with Jay... WHY?!? He's everywhere!!! Seriously!!

I sat down next to Jungwon hyung, eating my food. "Did you do the presentation yet?" Jungwon hyung asked me. I nodded as a response. "Did it go well?"
"Yeah it did." I kept on eating my food as the others kept on talking.

"JAKE HYUNG! GIVE IT BACK!!!" Sunghoon yelled. "No." "YAH!" Jake hyung ran away while holding Sunghoon's phone, which he had stolen. Sunghoon hyung chased after him, flying past everyone, going through the school hallways.

"They're such idiots," Jay hyung said. "I know right?" I said. "Look! They got in trouble." Jungwon hyung pointed at them as they were being scolded by a teacher. I shook my head while laughing.

After a while, the others started to leave. "Where are you going?" I asked Sunoo hyung as he was standing up. "I'm leaving." "Why?" "I need to go to class." "But we still have 10 more minutes?!?" "Goodbye!" "Wait! Hyung!" He walked away...

I turned back around, noticing only Jay hyung and I were still sitting down at the table. "Do you know why they all left?" I asked him. "No. I don't. Heeseung hyung told me something about a... meeting? I don't know. But he said something like that." "A meeting?" "Yeah."

That's when it went quiet. I don't know why, but it's just so awkward when I talk to him. "Are you free tomorrow?" He asked, out of nowhere. I hesitantly nodded. "Good, because I was thinking if we could meet up somewhere." "Meet up somewhere?" "Yeah." "Where?"

"Uhh... I was thinking we could to a Museum." "Museum? A museum?" "Yep. I thought it would be fun...." "Oh! Sure! What type of museum?" "Well, it's a history museum. You told me you were doing a project on history so I thought it would be fun." "Uhh... sure. When do you wanna go?" I'm just gonna go. For all I know, I might really enjoy it.

"Tomorrow, after school?" I nodded. "So we meet up at the gate?" "Yeah. Can I get your number?" He asked me. I felt my body stiffen for a second. "Oh yeah, sure." I told him my number and soon the bell rang. "So we're going to the museum tomorrow?" I asked him, just to know 100% about everything. "Yep! It's a date." My eyes widened. "It's a date?" "Think of it as a date."

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