17. cinema

417 22 17

Jay is now known as... someone.
Hope you enjoy reading this chapter :}
(Is the face scary?)
/|\( ;,; )/|\
On a Sunday...
10:34 am
Ni-Ki's POV

"Can you remind me to put the clothes in the wash?" My mum walked up to my bedroom door, leaning against it. "Yeah, sure. When?" "In a few hours. I've been so busy that everything just disappears from my mind." "Ok."

She nodded, walking away from my room. Once she left I quietly sighed, resting my head on my pillow. I closed my eyes for a couple seconds before raising my head, hearing a loud ringing sound coming from my phone. I grabbed it, noticing Jungwon hyung's contact name shown on the screen.

I picked up the call, putting it on speaker. "Hey
Ni-Ki!" I hummed as a response. "What are you doing?" He asked me. "Nothing." I yawned, whilst stretching my arms. "Did you just wake up?" "Well, no. I woke about 20 minutes ago? 30 minutes ago? I don't know."

"Ok. Anyways, I wanted to ask you if you wanted to hang out today?" "Sure! Do you wanna come over to my house? Or?" "No, I thought we could watch a movie at the cinema." "Oh, ok! What do you wanna watch?" "It's this movie called Train to Busan." "Isn't that a horror movie?"

"Yes... but I really wanna see it." "Hyung, we hate watching any type of scary movie! We'll both run out of the cinema screaming our lungs ou-." "I forgot to tell you! Some people are coming with us." "Who?" "Sunoo hyung, Jake hyung, Heeseung hyung, Jay hyung and Sunghoon hyung."

"No! Why does Jay hyung have to come!?!?" "I thought you two were friends again?" "Well, we are but I'm not watching a horror movie with him!" "Why? You think he's going to hug you if you're scared? Calm down! You aren't together anymore and you probably won't end up sitting next to him anyway!" I stayed quiet, fiddling with the blanket on my bed.

"Ni-Ki?" "Yes?" "The movie will start at 2:30 so we're probably gonna meet up with them and have lunch before the movie." "Umm... ok...." "Great! I'll tell the others!" "Ok." "I'll see you then!" "Bye." I hung up the phone, resting my back against the pillow.
12:34 pm...
Ni-Ki's POV

"Ni-Ki? Are you going to be ok watching a horror movie?" My mum walked up to me with a concerned expression. "Yes, mum. I'm 15, I'll do just fine." "Ok, but contact me if the movie is getting too scary and I'll pick y-." "I'll be fine!" "Ok! Ok! Have fun honey!" "Bye mum!" I unlocked the front door, stepping

I quickly walked to Jungwon hyung's house since he asked me if we could walk to the shopping mall together. Once I arrived at his house I opened the gate going up to the front door to knock on it. The front door soon opened, revealing Jungwon hyung. "Good morning!" He exclaimed. "It's the afternoon." "I was just-." "I know! I know!"

"Let's go shall we?" We started walking towards the shopping mall. "Why did you pick a horror movie again?" I asked. "I just really wanna watch the movie. I also want to see everyone's reaction." "You know you're going to be just as scared as everyone else right?" He sighed. "Yes... I know. But it'll still be hilarious!"

We soon got to the shopping mall, stepping inside. "So... where are we going to meet them?" I asked Jungwon hyung. "They're over there!" He pointed near a clothing store where they were standing.

I followed Jungwon hyung, walking towards the others. "Hey guys!" Jungwon hyung said. They all waved at us with a smile. I stood next to Jungwon hyung, ignoring someone's stare, smiling at the others. "What do you want to eat?" Heeseung hyung asked us. "We could all go to different places and order something then meet back here," Jake hyung suggested.

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