22. just go for it

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Hope you enjoy reading this chapter :}
(EVERYONE!! I have gotten used to this :}
face!!! We shall celebrate!)
~♥(ノ'∀')ノ田 ε=ε=ε=Γ(lll'Д'lll)」
On a Wednesday...
8:13 am...
Jay's POV

"Hey Jake!" I ran towards Jake who was at his locker. I noticed that he was just standing there, not doing anything. "What are you doing?" I asked him. "I'm just standing here." "Why?" "I don't know. To by time? I guess." "Ah, ok."

"Jake hyung!!" I heard someone yell which grabbed both our attention. We turned around to see
Ni-Ki running towards us. "Have you done the English assignment?!?" He kept on asking Jake. "Shouldn't you be asking Jungwon? I'm not in your class or year!!" I watch Ni-Ki's stressed expression become a small frown. To be honest, it was quite cute.

"Where is he?" Ni-Ki asked him. "The last time I saw Jungwon he was at your home room with Su-." "Ok! Thanks!" He quickly ran up to the stairs that are down the corridor. I watched him run off with a small smile on my face.

"Aha!" He exclaimed. "What?" I stopped him from walking away. He looked at me with a small smirk. "I knew it!" He pointed at me. "Wha- you knew what exactly?" "I knew you still liked Ni-Ki!" I was taken aback a little. "I don't-." "Oh, come on! You two have been saying no to liking each other for weeks now! And yet, we all know you like each other!"

"But-." "Hyung, when are you going to accept the fact that you still like him? I know he likes you." "He does?" I couldn't stop the smile that was forming on my lips. "That's all the evidence I need." I immediately got rid of the smile on face. "He didn't tell me anything about liking you," Jake said.

"Then how do you know?" "It's obvious. Both of you are so obvious and you two are also so oblivious to each other's feelings!" "Why are you so loud? People will hear you!" He had a done expression on his face. "Everyone knows that you guys were in a relationship! And it's quite obvious you guys have feelings for each other."

"How would you know if I liked Ni-Ki or not?" "Hyung- you know what? Never mind! You will figure it out on your own!" He walked off, leaving me at his locker.

I just stood there, confused on quite a few things. On one hand, I'm completely sure that I don't like Ni-Ki. But on the hand, I am starting to question it.

Recently, I've been feeling even more nervous around him. I've always had that feeling but it's just gotten more and more uncontrollable? I don't know. Whenever I look at Ni-Ki, I always smile. Heck, I'm smiling right now and I'm only thinking about him.

"You good?" I looked beside me to see Sunghoon standing beside me. "Yeah, I'm good!" "No you're not." He squinted his eyes at me. "I am!" I could tell he didn't believe me. "Sunghoon, I'm fine." "What were you thinking about?" "Uhh... what I'm going to have for lunch." "No. It was Ni-Ki wasn't it?" I swear, my friends are seriously mind readers.

"No-." "I know you were thinking about him. Jake hyung told me about your conversation that happened just now." I softly scoffed, looking at the wall in front of me. "Just go for it hyung." "Go for what?" "Ni-Ki. Ask him out. I know you want to." "I can't." "Why?" I softly sighed, facing my head towards him.

"He would say no." I don't know why I feel like he would say no, but I just do. "Hyung, listen. Jake hyung has told and now I'm telling you. He likes you! Just ask him. I know you'll regret it if you don't." He then walked away, going towards his classroom. I sighed, taking in everything that just happened. I softly rubbed my temple, looking down.

I grabbed my phone to check the time. I noticed that it was almost 8:30!! I quickly ran upstairs towards my home room.
3:15 pm...
Jay's POV

The school bell just went and everyone is walking in the hallways to go home. I went towards Ni-Ki's locker, trying to look for him. But he wasn't there...

That's when I remembered that Ni-Ki is most likely walking home with Jungwon. I jogged towards Jungwon's locker, noticing that they were about to walk out of the exit doors.

I rushed towards them. "Wait! Ni-Ki!" I called out his name making him turn around. I stopped
in front of him. He looked at me, confused as to why I called out his name. "Can I ask you something?" I scratched my nape, looking down at the ground. "Yeah, sure."

"Do you... uhh... d-do you...." Why can't I just ask him?!? It's even harder than before!!! "Do I?" "Do you want to hang out on the weekend?" I asked in a fast speed. "Ok. Is it like a group thing?" "No! Just us." "Us? Just us two?" "Yes?" "Oh! Oh... ok." He looked down at the floor.

I could tell that he was smiling widely. "I-I'll go." He looked back up at me with a warm smile. "Great!" We both stared at each other in silence for quite a while.

"Ni-Ki?" Jungwon stepped up towards us both. "Sorry, but I need to leave," Jungwon said, pointing towards the exit. "I'll see you tomorrow," Ni-Ki said towards me. "Bye guys." I waved at them, watching them walk away.

Why was I so awkward? Seriously!! That was such an awkward conversation. I've talked to him before and now I can't even form one proper sentence!?!?

Although, I'm glad I was able to ask him to at least hang out! Because I swear I was about to ask him for a tissue!!! A freaking tissue!!

I looked up at the clock on the wall, noticing that it was about 3:28 pm. Time really flew by! I quickly rushed out of the doors. I started walking on the pathway towards my house as quickly as I got.
This chapter was very short!!
(Not really but hopefully you know what I mean).
Fun Fact: Bees can sting other bees!! This usually happens when they feel threatened or are protecting their territory.
Am I the only one that finds that cute? Probably am.
Hope you enjoyed reading :}
Words: 1095

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