20. and you say you don't like him?

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The first little bit is a continuous of the last chapter.
Is that what it's called?
Hope you enjoy reading this chapter :}
(〓 ̄(∵エ∵) ̄〓)
(I chose the bulldog...)
Jay's POV

"Sorry- Uhh... bye," Ni-Ki awkwardly said. He then walked away from my house, going towards the pathway on the street. I watched him as he slowly vanished into the darkness, walking at a ridiculously fast pace. I couldn't stop smiling, having the event that just happened replaying in my mind.

It may only be a tiny kiss on the cheek but it still made me smile. It was a smile that you couldn't get rid of. "Jay? What are doing standing here?" Ok, maybe it was a smile that could disappear. But it's just because of my mum opening the front door.

"Sorry mum." I walked inside, taking my shoes off. "What were you doing?" My mum repeated. "Nothing." "Ok, then why were you smiling like a maniac for?" "I wasn't smiling like a maniac." I looked back towards my mum, to see her with a raised eyebrow.

"What was the reason? Did you get a cool present?" "Yeah... I did." The smile that appeared on my face was exactly like the one from before. "What did you get?" "Oh! I got some candy." "Cool!" She then walked away, going towards the living room.

I ran up to my bedroom, closing the door.
The next morning...
9:56 am...
Ni-Ki's POV

I sat up, softly rubbing my eyes. I brought my arms out in front of myself, doing a little stretch. I then turned to my bedside table, grabbing my phone. I saw almost 10 recent messages Jungwon hyung.

I decided to call him, asking him what he wanted. Since all his messages were just him screaming. "Hyung-." "WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME YOU KISSED JAY HYUNG!!?!" "What do you mean?" "WHAT DO YOU MEAN?!?! I HAD TO FIND OUT FROM JAKE HYUNG!!! WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME YOU KISSED HIM?!?"

"Jake hyung? What-." "WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME YOU LIKED JAY HYUNG?!?? I mean I knew you liked him again but-." "WHAT?!? Hyung, I don't like him...." "So you're playing with his feelings now? Hold on-." "NO! I didn't kiss him, kiss him. I just... kissed him on the cheek. It was nothing like that." "Oh... so you like him?" "Huh?"

"YOU DIDN'T SAY NO!!" "Hyung, can we just stop yelling? I just woke up!" "Ok... sorry." "It's ok. But how did Jake hyung know about this?" "I don't know. He didn't tell me how he knew. But anyway, what I wanna know is... WHY DID YOU KISS JAY HYUNG?!?" I told you to stop yelling!" He then stayed quiet.

"Thank you. Anyways, I kissed him because...." I actually don't know why I kissed him. I could've just been in the moment, but I haven't actually thought of why.

"Because? Tell me!" "I don't know." "You don't know?" "Yes...." "You and Jay hyung have such a complicated relationship.... But what I do know is that you like him." "I DON'T LIKE HIM!!!" "I thought you said we weren't going to yell?" He said in a teasing tone. I scoffed, resting my back on my pillow.

"Ok, so what you're telling me is that you kissed Jay hyung, on the cheek. You don't know why you did this and you say you don't like him?" "Basically." I know, it sounds crazy and quite complicated. But I honestly don't know!! "Jeez! You both are something else." "I know! I know!" "So you are completely sure you don't like him?"

"Yes, hyung...." "You sure?" "Yes! I've told a thousand times already!"
11:34 am...
Ni-Ki's POV

I grabbed my phone, walking up to my bedroom from the dining table because I just finished my breakfast. I pressed Jake hyung's phone number so that I could call him.

"Hello Ni-Ki!" He said in English with an Aussie accent. "Hi Jake!" I replied back with broken English. "Do you want me to teach you English?" He asked in Korean. "Maybe but that's not why I wanted to call you." "Well, obviously."

"So, I wanted to ask... how do you know about me kissing Jay hyung on the cheek?" "Oh! Jay hyung told me." "He told you!?!?" "Yes?" "Why?!?" "Uhh... because Sunghoon asked him." "Wait, are you telling me Sunghoon hyung knows as well?!?" "Yeah, as well as Sunoo, Heeseung hyung and I told Jungwon." "EVERYONE KNOWS!!!!"

"Yeah. People weren't shocked. I mean we were but we expected it at some point just not this early." "What? Why'd he tell everyone?!?" "We may have forced him to. But Ni-Ki, it's not a big deal. You don't have to be anxious about anything." "I know-." "It was only a kiss on the cheek so why are you so nervous?"

I didn't respond back. I just stayed silent. I don't know why I am so nervous about this. The words he just said "It was only a kiss on the cheek" get on running through my head.

I was only a kiss on the cheek. Everything will be fine. Right? "Ni-Ki? You good?" "Yeah! Yeah! I'm great." "Ok. I'll talk to you later than?" "Yep."
"Good-bye!" "Bye!!" He then hung up the phone and I placed it back on the bed.

I sat down on the bed, letting out a big sigh. Everything will ok! He knows, hopefully, that I don't like him.... I definitely don't like him. I do not have feelings for him!!

But I do know that my friends would definitely disagree with me. Like, how do they know if I like someone or not? I mean, I do hang out with them all the time and they know basically everything
about me- do they know myself better than I do?

No! That doesn't make any sense! No one can know you better than yourself. Right? My thoughts were interrupted by a small ding from my phone. I saw that it was something from Instagram.

(Is there a ding from Instagram notifications? I get nearly 10 Instagram notifications a day and I still don't know if there is a ding...)

I pressed the notification, noticing Jay hyung's account name on it. Once the Instagram app opened, I saw that it was a photo that Jay hyung posted for his birthday. A photo of where we went to last night. He put Jake hyung's, Sunoo hyung's and my @ in the caption.

I smiled, seeing a photo Jay hyung and I took together. I quickly liked the photo, placing my phone back down on the bed.

"Ni-Ki? What do you want me to make for lunch?" My mum asked as she opened the door. "I just had breakfast though." "I know, but what would you like?" "Uhh... can I have jjajangmyeon?" "Ok! That's easy." She then closed the door.

I looked in the mirror for a second before standing up. I walked out of the room, going downstairs towards the living room because I felt like watching something.
This has officially become my longest book.
Fun Fact: Jackie Chan manages a K-pop boy band...
I looked up their name and they're called JJCC.
I believe they're still active and have been a group for about 7 years? I think it's 7 years.
Hope you enjoyed reading this chapter!
Words: 1232

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