4. arcade

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I'm so sorry that I didn't publish a chapter yesterday!
I was really busy and unable to finish writing this chapter.
Hope you enjoy reading this chapter!
Jay's POV

I just got up to my room when I felt my phone buz. I grabbed my phone from my pocket, noticing that it was Ni-Ki who was calling me. "Hey Ni-Ki!" "Hi hyung! I was wondering if we could go to the arcade?" "Sure! When?" "Today. I know it's a very short notice but I thought it would be fun." "Well, I don't have anything to do so why not?" "Ok! I'll see you in a few hours?" "Yep." "Bye bye!" I light chuckled. "Bye bye Ni-Ki."

Now I don't know what to do. I think he's very sweet but I don't really like him like that.... You know what? We're friends, it's fine. He probably just wants to hang out, as friends :)

"Mum, I'm going out with Ni-Ki today," I said, as I saw my mum walking past my room. "Again?" I nodded. "Ok, but don't stay out too late. I'm making fried rice tonight." "Fried rice!?!" "Yes, Jay. Fried rice. Actually, your friend can come stay for dinner if he wants to." "We'll see."
2:27 pm...
Ni-Ki's POV

"Bye mum! I'm leaving now!" "Ok Ni-Ki! Have fun!" I stepped out the front door, walking towards Jay hyung's house.

I soon arrived at his house, knocking on the door. A few seconds later the door opened, revealing Jay hyung. "Hey hyung! Are you ready?" I asked him. He nodded, grabbing his bag before walking towards the bus stop with me. We sat down on a bench, waiting for the bus.

"Why'd you pick the arcade?" He asked me. "Why wouldn't I? It's so much fun!" He shook his head while smiling. "Here's the bus! Let's go!" He exclaimed. We stood, getting onto the bus.

I looked out the window, counting how many red cars I saw. "What are you doing?" He asked me, noticing that I was pointing to random things outside. "I'm counting all the red cars I see. I've seen about 14? Or was 15? I don't remember." "Can I play with you?" I nodded. "It'll be a competition and whoever loses has to..." "Has to do whatever the winner wants to do while at the arcade." "Yes!"

We looked outside the window, trying to look for red cars. "Found one!" He exclaimed. "Me too." I pointed at a red car. "I found another one!" He shouted. I pouted, trying to find a red car. WHY IS IT SO HARD TO FIND A RED CAR!

After playing for about 7 minutes, Jay hyung won with 39 red cars. "Now you gotta do whatever I want." He smirked at me. I playfully hit his shoulder. Soon we arrived at the arcade and we quickly got off the bus.

We signed in and got some tokens to play the games. We then looked around the arcade for different games to play. "Let's play that!" I pointed at a car racing game. "Uhhh... yeah, sure. That seems fun." I pulled him by his arm towards the arcade game. We both each, sat on a chair and put in a token.

I won the game while he lost. We weren't versing each other but I did win, so I'm happy. "What do you wanna play next?" I asked him. He gasped before running to something. My eyes followed him as he ran towards the air hockey table. "Can we play this?" He asked me. I nodded, walking towards him. We went on either side of the air hockey table.

I set the puck on the table, wacking it. He hit it back towards me and it was like that for the next 20 hits NONSTOP! (Saljjak seollesseo nan! OH NANANANANA! sorry...)

He silently punched the air once he lost the game. I gave him a weird look, making him laugh at my reaction. I pointed towards a basketball game, looking at him with a begging expression. "Sure!" I smiled, running towards the game.

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