6. i don't know what to do now.

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Hope you enjoy reading!
Jay's POV

We just got out of school. Today was the first day back and it went pretty quickly actually. I didn't see Ni-Ki though. Maybe he's busy or something, but I don't know. I was about to grab my phone from my pocket when I heard someone shout out my name. Well, it sounded like 3 people boys who I know shout out my name.

I turned around to see Jake, Sunghoon and Sunoo standing there while trying to catch their breath. "Why do you... walk so f-fast hyung?" Sunoo tried to say. "What's up?" I asked them. "We want to give you something." Jake said. "What is it?" I looked at them, wondering what they were talking about.

Sunghoon was about to grab something fo his pocket when a teacher came stomping towards us. "Jake, Sunghoon, Sunoo! In the principal's office! Now!" "What's g-" I was cut off by the teacher. "Now boys!" They walked away, leaving the teacher and I there. "Have a good day Jay!" The teacher was about to walk away when I stopped him. "Sir! Do you know why Ni-Ki wasn't here today?"

I just wanted to know. No other reason. "Oh! Nishimura Riki?" I nodded. "Uhh... I'm pretty sure his parents called him in sick." I was confused. Sick? Is he sick? "Thank you sir!" "Your welcome Jay."

Now that I come to think of it, I haven't talked to
Ni-Ki for awhile. The last time I saw him was when I went to his house, which was also the last time I talked to him.

Whilst walking further away from the school, I heard Sunoo screaming. I turned my head towards the school, shaking it with a smile on my face.

As soon as I got back home, I noticed that my dad hasn't come home yet. "What did you do on your first day back?" My mum asked me. "Nothing really." "Come on Jay. I don't pay that school money for nothing." "Well, it was normal. Nothing out of the ordinary. Although, Ni-Ki wasn't at school. I asked a teacher and he said that his parents called him in sick..."

"Then, maybe you should go over to his house and give him the soup I made today." "Soup? What type of soup did you make?" "Gomguk." I gasped. "I want some." "No. You can get some after you give it to your friend." I sighed before nodding.

"Get changed!" "Ok! Ok!" I walked upstairs, putting on some comfortable clothes. I went back downstairs, going towards my mother who was putting the soup in a bowl, sealing it with a lid. "Here you g- You're not going like that Jay." "What do you mean?" "You're wearing a hoodie and baggy pants!" "Mum, I'm going to a friends house."

"Fine. Here's the soup. Don't drop it! I don't want you spill it!" "Yeah, yeah. Bye mum!" "Say hi to his mum for me." "Ok!" I stepped out of the house, steadily walking towards Ni-Ki's house. "Don't drop it. Don't drop it," I kept on repeating to myself.

I just realised I left my phone at my house. "Dang it!" Well, I can't call Ni-Ki now to tell him I'm going to his house. I guess it'll be a surprise.

I just arrived at his house. I knocked on the door and it was like the door opened by itself. What I mean is the door opened on its own, meaning it was unlocked. I slowly opened the door, hearing it squeaking. "Hello." I bowed but I then noticed that there was no one here.

I stood up straight, looking around. "Hello? Is there anyone home?" I heard footsteps coming from upstairs. "Hello? Is that you Ni-Ki?" I walked the stairs while I was still holding the bowl of gomguk.

I went to the rooms all over this floor because I know that there's someone here. The last room that I haven't looked at is Ni-Ki's room, I'm guessing. Because the other rooms don't seem like they would be his room. I heard sniffling coming from the room. I almost immediately walked in.

"Ni-Ki? W-why are you crying?" I placed the soup on the desk in his room. Ni-Ki turned his back towards me, facing the corner of the room while sitting on his bed. I sat down next to him, slowly moving closer to him.

"Go away," he whispered. "No." He looked at me, with red and tear stained cheeks. "W-why?" He looked down at the ground, fidgeting with his fingers. I moved closer to him, placing my arm over his shoulders. "Because, you're my friend and I don't want to see you like this." But this didn't really help at all.

Instead, it just made the situation more worse. "Why are you crying Ni-Ki?" He slowly raised his head, looking at the desk. "M-my parents... they're getting a... d-divorce." Tears kept on running down his face. He didn't even want to wipe them away. "But wasn't their anniversary only a week ago? They went out and-" "My dad, h-he got drunk again and he... I'm sorry."

I embraced him in a warm hug. I rubbed his back as he held onto my arms. "It's my fau-" "No, it's not. You didn't do anything." I looked at him with serious face. He slowly nodded, looking back down. I lifted his head up. "It's going to be ok. I'm here for you." I could see his lips slightly move up, but quickly fall back into a frown.

"W-what's that?" He asked me while pointing to the bowl on the table. "My mum made gomguk today... and you called in sick so she thought I should come to your house and give you some." He looked at me with a confused expression. "How do you know I called in sick? I didn't tell anyone."

"I... I asked a teacher." I saw his expression almost immediately change into a soft smile. "You asked about me?" My eyes slightly widened. "I guess." I softly scratched my nape. I was actually kinda panicking. I said the wrong thing...

I saw him lean in. I was mentally panicking. I just sat there, frozen, as his lips were a few centimetres away from mine. Then, it happened. His lips are on mine and... I don't know what to do. I kissed him back because I felt bad. He's dealing with a lot and the last thing I want to happen is him getting even more upset.

I know it's wrong. Ok? I know. He backed away, looking flustered. He looked down with a small smile. "Umm... do you want me to heat up the soup?" I asked him. He raised his head up at me. "Ok." He nodded before quickly looking away.

I walked out of the room, going towards the kitchen. I put the bowl in the microwave for 2 minutes. While waiting I couldn't stop thinking about what I just did.

I can't believe I kissed him back! I'm such an idiot. Why did I do that? I should of done that! I kinda regret it.... I heard Ni-Ki's footsteps coming from upstairs. I tried my best to stay calm while waiting for the food. I then heard the microwave ding. I quickly grabbed the bowl from the microwave as I saw Ni-Ki walking down the stairs.

I smiled at him, placing the bowl on the counter for him to grab. He sat down on a stool, taking a small spoonful of the soup. I noticed how there was fresh tear stains on his cheeks. I couldn't help but frown. "Let's watch something," I suggested. Because, it's a good way to get your mind off something.

"Uhh... ok." We walked towards the living room, sitting on the couch. We started watching a movie. He soon finished the soup and he went closer towards me, hugging my arm. I put my arm around his shoulders, where it stayed until we finished this movie and another one.
When I first started writing this book I did not like where it was going AT ALL!
But now, I know what I'm going to do next, so I always look forward to writing this book.
Fun Fact: Shakespeare invented the name Jessica...
Hope you enjoyed reading this chapter :)
Words: 1413

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