21. bowling

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Hope you enjoy reading this chapter :}
On a Saturday...
10:32 am...
Ni-Ki's POV

"AH!" I screamed as I walked into the living room. "Jungwon hyung? What are you doing here?!?" "I came here to see you." He was sitting down at the couch, watching the TV that was playing this action movie.

"Yeah, but you didn't tell me you were coming here." I sat down next to him making him look at me. "Do I have to tell you? Your mum knows I'm here!" "Obviously she knows. Who else would've let you in?" "True. Do you want to leave now?" "Now? I thought we were going to meet them at 12. I'm still in my pyjamas." "But do you want to leave now?"

"Hyung, we don't have to get there until 12. It's fine." "I guess." We're planning on going bowling with Heeseung hyung, Jay hyung, Jake hyung, Sunghoon hyung and Sunoo hyung.... If it were up to me, I wouldn't go. Because Jungwon hyung forced me to.

"I'm hungry!" Jungwon hyung whinged. "What do you want to eat?" I asked him. "What do you have?" He walked into my kitchen, leaving me at the couch. I went in after him, watching him as he grabbed a packet of chips from cupboard. "You want some?" He noticed that I was watching him. "Yeah." He handed me the packet and I grabbed some chips from the packet.
12:09 pm...
Ni-Ki's POV

Jungwon hyung and I just walked into the bowling alley. I looked around the place, trying to look for them. "They're over there." I walked towards where I saw them with Jungwon hyung following after me.

Jake hyung pointed towards us once he noticed we were that we were here. The others looked back at us before standing up. We all said hello to each other and quickly went the seating area where we would be playing. I sat in between Jay hyung and Sunoo hyung.

The teams were Sunoo hyung, Jay hyung and I versus Heeseung hyung, Jake hyung, Sunghoon hyung and Jungwon hyung. The teams were uneven because, well, there's only 7 of us so we couldn't make it the teams even.

(I haven't gone bowling in a long time... and I don't exactly understand everything to do with bowling. So I'm just going to get everything from the internet).

First up from our team was Jay hyung. He grabbed the bowling ball, pumping himself up before bowling the ball. He ended up knocking 4 bowling pins down. I smiled at him as he turned back towards us. I gave him a thumbs up and he grabbed another bowling ball. He bowled it and he hit 3 bowling pins.

He sat down as Heeseung hyung stood up. "Good job hyung." I nudged his side, giving him a small smile. "Thank you, Ni-Ki." He pat my knee, turning to watch Heeseung hyung.

As Heeseung hyung was getting ready to bowl, I stared at Jay hyung's side profile. I watched his reaction to Heeseung hyung's score. He looked shocked.

Jay hyung turned his head towards my direction and I quickly averted my eyes to the score chart. I noticed that Heeseung hyung got a strike and 7 pins down. My jaw almost completely dropped. I saw Sunoo hyung standing up. "Come on hyung!!" I cheered on Sunoo hyung.

Sunoo hyung then bowled the ball and got 9 pins down. "WOAAAA!!!" Sunoo hyung screamed. He bowled another ball but didn't end up hitting the last bowling pin. I silently clapped as he walked back to the couch. "High five?" I brought out my hand, asking him for a high five.

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