8. a small picnic

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Hope you enjoy reading this chapter :)
Ni-Ki's POV

"Honey? What are you doing?" My mum walked into the kitchen as I was grabbing nearly all the food from the fridge. "Oh! I'm making a picnic for Jay hyung and I!" "Well, do you need help?" I nodded, as I was cutting up some strawberries to put in the microwave.

"Have you told him about this picnic? I know you always do things last minute." "Of course I told him!" I grabbed the strawberries from the microwave, placing them in a small box, putting it in the picnic basket.

"What are you making?" I asked. "I'm just making some sandwiches." I decided to help my mum make the sandwiches for the picnic. "Do you remember apple turnovers I made a few days ago? You should take some for the picnic!" I gasped, thinking that it was a good idea. "Ok, I will. Where is it?" "It's in the fridge somewhere." I found the plate of apple turnovers, placing them in the picnic basket.

(My nana or grandma, whatever you wanna call her, makes apple turnovers and omg THEY'RE THE BEST THING EVER HGSKSHZIJS!!!! You gotta try it!)

"Don't you think you should add more fruits and veggies?" My mum asked me. "Jay hyung has a big sweet tooth! So I want to put some sort of candy in here." I was placing some of Jay hyung's favourite candies in the picnic basket.

"Ok... but don't put in a lot or you'll get cavities!" I rolled my eyes while softly smiling. "We're done!" I exclaimed. "When are you going to meet up with him?" "Uhh... 12:30 pm... which is in about an hour." "You should leave at 12:10." "Why?" "Are you going to his house?" "No. We're going to that park." "Then leave at 12:10."

I didn't want to wait that long! I wanted to see Jay hyung! Even though the last time I saw him was only 2 days ago. I miss him already. "Can't I leave now?" "Do you want to wait an hour for him?" I slowly shook my head with a small pout. "Then you should leave at 12:10 honey. Now I'm going." "Where?" "To meet the attorney." I softly nodded, walking into the living room.

"I'm going now! Bye Riki." She kissed my cheek before walking out of the house. To kill time, I decided to start watching this K-Drama I've been really wanting to watch called My Secret Romance.
12:25 pm
Jay's POV

"I gotta go dad! I'm running late!" "Come on! You'll only be 15 minutes late. Help me." "You can paint the walls yourself." My dad had an emotionless face. "I'm sorry dad!" I quickly grabbed my bag, rushing out of the house.

I ran towards the park, trying my best to get there as quick as possible. By the time I got to the park, it was about 12:35 pm. "It's ok. I'm only 5 minutes late." I told myself. I looked around the park trying to find Ni-Ki. Although, I couldn't see him anywhere. I grabbed my phone from my bag, dialling his phone number.

"Hello?" I heard him say. "Hey Ni-Ki, I'm at the park but I can't find you." "Oh! I'm behind the big tree. You know the one where a lot of people carve their names on?" "Oh! You're at that picnic table! I've been looking around the little shop stands." I heard him laugh as I was walking towards the tree he was talking about.

Once I got to the tree, I saw him at the table with a picnic basket. "Ni-Ki!" He turned around, giving me a big smile. "Hyung!" He ran towards me, giving me a small hug. "Come on!" He grabbed my hand, dragging me towards the table. I sat down next to him as he was opening the basket.

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