9. staying over

496 23 15

Hope you enjoy reading this chaotic chapter!
(Yes, chaotic).
(°))<< (it's a fishy)
Ni-Ki's POV

"Ni-Ki, are you free tomorrow?" Jungwon hyung asked me as we were walking in the school hallway. "Uhh... no, sorry." "Oh... ok. What are you doing tomorrow then?" "I'm going to that trampoline park with Jay hyung." "Jay hyung? Again? Didn't you used to hate him." "Well, now I like him." "What do you mean by like?" I stayed silent, looking down at the ground.

"Ni-Ki?" He nudged my side, wanting an answer. "Maybe... we both... have feelings... for each other." He gasped with an excited expression on his face. "YOU LIKE J-" "SHUSH!!" I covered his mouth with my hand. "Everyone will hear you!" He moved my hand away to say "There's many people around us. Even if you whisper, people will still hear us."

I gave him an emotionless face. "Anyways, you like Jay hyung? Does he like you as well?" He whispered. "What do you think 'maybe we have feelings for each other' means?" "That he liked you back?" "Yes!"
"When did you tell him?" "Uhh... a few weeks ago? I don't exactly remember." I looked towards him and he had an almost offended expression.

"What?" I asked him. "A FEW WEEKS AGO!! You didn't tell me? Your own best friend!!!" "Hyung, calm down. I didn't tell anyone except my parents." He scoffed. "What? I've gotta tell my parents!!" "That's not what I'm mad about!" "Then what are you mad about?" "You didn't tell me!" "I didn't feel like telling anyone!" "But I'm your best friend..."

"Hyung, I'm sorry. I told you now." "I guess. Now, tell me everything that has happened." "We went on a few dates." He gasped and I couldn't stop laughing at his reaction. "Tell me!!!" He begged. "Ok! Ok!"
Jay's POV

"Are you ready to go now?" Ni-Ki asked me once he got to the front school gate. "Yeah, I'm ready." We started walking towards my house since it was the closest. "I'm really excited to go to the trampoline park!" Ni-Ki exclaimed.

"Me too! I've been there before but that was along time ago." Ni-Ki nodded with a small smile. We soon arrived at my house and quickly stepped inside my house. "How about you go in the bathroom this time." I suggested. "Yes, I will do that." Ni-Ki walked around the house, trying to find the bathroom.

I was about to walk in my room when Ni-Ki stopped me. "Where's the bathroom? I don't know where it is." "Oh, it's down the corridor near the kitchen. It's the second room on your left." "Thanks." He followed my directions and soon found the bathroom.

I quickly got changed in my room, grabbing my bag that was on my desk. I opened the door, walking towards the front door, waiting for Ni-Ki. After a few minutes, he came out of the bathroom. "Let's go now." I opened the front door, letting him walk out first.

He then grabbed my hand, pulling me towards the nearest bus stop. "Jeez Ni-Ki! Calm down. Why are you in such a rush?" I bent down, resting my hands on my knees, out of breath. "Sorry hyung. I just really want to get there as quickly as possible." I showed him an ok sign, sitting down on the bench.

He sat down beside me, resting his head on my shoulder. I couldn't help but smile softly, resting my head on his. "Jay hyung! The bus is here! Let's go!" I didn't even realise that I fell asleep. "Oh yeah!" I grabbed his hand that he held out so he could pull me up.

We went in the bus, sitting down next to each other. "Do you want to count all the red cars?" He asked me. "Sure."

We ended up counting over 34 red cars in the span of 10 minutes. "Why is there always so many red cars when we do this and none when we don't?" He asked me. I just laughed at his question. "No I'm serious." I stopped laughing. "Maybe because we don't pay attention when we aren't playing." "Ah! That makes sense."

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