16. friends?

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Hope you enjoy reading this chapter :)
(imma dance like nobody is watching).
10:24 am...
Jay's POV

"Jay? Can you go shopping for me?" My mum asked me as I walked towards the kitchen. "Yeah, sure. What do you need?" "Uhh... here's a list." She gave me a grocery list. "Ok! Why do you need all this though?" "Your grandparents are coming for dinner tonight. I need these things soon, so be back by 2 the latest." I nodded, walking upstairs.

I put a black hoodie over my t-shirt, walking back downstairs. "See ya mum!" "Bye Jay!" I opened the front door, stepping outside. I then made my way towards the food market near our house.

I stepped inside the store, looking for all the things on my mum's list. I was near the vegetable section when I bumped into someone. "Sorry ma'am." I looked up to see... "Ms Nishimura?" "Jay? How are you?"

(Bet you were expecting Ni-Ki~ well, Idk if you were expecting him but I'm just guessing).

"I'm good. Normal Saturday I guess." She lightly smiled with a nod. "So you're in year 12 now! How is that going?" "Not easy but it's ok. Anyways, how have you been?" "Oh! Well, I'm doing great! Did your mum ask you to go shopping for her?" "Yeah... how'd you know?"

"No teen boy would go to the shops to buy mushrooms." Ms Nishimura pointed down at the basket I was holding. "True." "Well, I gotta go home and make lunch. Say hi to your mum for me?" I nodded with a smile. "Ok, goodbye honey!" "Bye Ms Nishimura." I waved to her before turning the opposite way.

I let out a heavy sigh, walking to the fruit section.
11:58 am...
Ni-Ki's POV

I was sitting on the couch when I heard the front door open. I sat up, looking at my mum as she walked into further into the house. "Can you make tteokbokkie now?" I asked her. "Yes, sure! Do you want to help me?" I smiled while nodding.

I stood up, following my mum into the kitchen. I stayed standing near a drawer, watching my mum move all around the kitchen. "Here." She handed me some green onions. "Cut it." She made a cut motion with her hands. I nodded, grabbing the knife that was on the counter. "Don't make them big but make sure to not cut them too small."

"So medium?" She lightly chuckled. "Sure, Ni-Ki. Medium." I started to slowly cut the green onions. "Ni-Ki, why are you cutting so slow?" "I don't know! I've never cut green onions before!" She just shook her head with a smile. "Maybe try and cutting them a bit quicker." I sighed, turning back to the cutting board.

I started cutting, at the speed that my mum wanted.... "While at the shops, I ran into someone." "Really? Who?" "I ran into Jay." I dropped the knife onto the counter. "Jay? Y-you ran into Jay?" "Yes, I did. You should really become friends with him again."

I was sort of shocked when she said that we should be friends again. "So you're telling me that I should be friends with my ex?" My mum sighed, turning around to face me. "Ever since you lost contact with him, you've been so quiet and sad. I know you went through a break up, but you just... you should become friends with him again."

"Mum, I broke with him. Obviously I would be upset! I'm also upset because you and dad aren't together anymore! I was happier with him
he-." "RIKI! Don't you dare bring your father into this! Go to your room!" "M-." "Go. To. Your. Room."

I looked at her as she was pointing towards the stairs. I felt my eyes water as I walked away from the kitchen. I walked up the stairs, going towards my room. I sat on my bed, grabbing my phone. I saw in the mirror how there were tears already running down my face.

"Why am I crying?" I asked myself as I grabbed a tissue from the tissue box on my bedside table. I wiped the tears, putting the blanket over my legs. I began thinking about what my mum said downstairs.

Should I actually get on good terms with Jay hyung? We even don't have to be friends. I just want to be able to talk to him without all the awkwardness. Although, I doubt that would ever happen....

I hesitantly grabbed my phone that was beside me on the bed. I went into my contacts to call someone... Yes, I did delete his number off my phone. But, I do know his number off by heart. IT'S NOT WEIRD OK? Just overtime, I somehow memorised his phone number....

I dialled his number, hearing it ring a few times. "Hello? Who is this?" I heard Jay hyung ask. I started panicking. Why did I do this? Should I just hang up? But then I might regret it!

"HeLlo!" My voice cracked... OF COURSE IT DID! NOTHING EVER GOES RIGHT FOR ME!! "Who is- wait are you Ni-Ki?" "M-maybe...." "Ni-Ki? Why are you-." "Can we be friends again?" I blurted out. I just said it. I know if I didn't say it now, I could never have the guts to do it. "Friends? I mean, sure... I guess? But why now?" "I don't know. I uhh... I just want to... be friends again?"

"Ok. We can be friends again." It was so awkward. Even though we were sort of saying full sentences, it was just an awkward atmosphere. "Ok, great! Bye!" I immediately hung up, throwing my phone across the bed.

WHY DID I DO THAT!?!? I started rapidly kicking my legs on the bed. I did this because of both excitement and nervousness. I heard a knock on the door, grabbing my attention.

"I made you your lunch." My mum walked in the room, placing the bowl of tteokbokkie on my desk. "I'm sorry about before. I shouldn't of said anything about meet Jay at the shops. It was-." "No, no. I'm sorry. It was wrong for me to mention dad in an unrelated topic." She sat on the bed, caressing my cheek.

She sighed with a soft smile. "You should try the tteokbokkie. I tried a little bit and i think it's the best I've ever made it." I stood up, grabbing a rice cake from the bowl. I took a bite and my face almost
immediately brightened up. "It's so good!" I took many more bites with a smile.

"Good job mum." I gave her a thumbs up. "Why, thank you."
Jay's POV

I sat on the couch, in shock at the conversation I just had with Ni-Ki. "Hyung, what is it?" Sunghoon walked into the room with a mouth full of food. "I just got a call from Ni-Ki...." He started choking on the food in his mouth. He held his chest, roughly swallowing the food that was in his mouth.

"Ni-Ki just called you? I thought you both got rid of each other's numbers." "We did. I don't know how he got my number again." "He probably memorised it. But what did he ask?" "He asked if we could be friends again...." "Hyung! This is basically the world telling you to get back together with him!" I hit his arm making him wince in pain.

"No. He just thinks that we should be friends again...." "You tell yourself that." I gave him a death glare. "Ok! Ok! Sorry!" He rested back in the couch, grabbing the bag of chips. I just kept on thinking about the conversation with Ni-Ki.

Why now? That's my question. I'm not going to ask him why now. But I can't just help but wonder.
Friends again???
Yes, ma'am!!!!
Fun Fact: The world's longest French fry was 34 inches!!
Now I'm hungry :} (yes I just made that face. don't ask why but it's my new face)
Hope you enjoyed reading this chapter!
Words: 1355

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