15. set up?

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βακα..._φ(゚ω゚ ) (don't ask)
The first day of school...
Jay's POV

As I was walking to school, I felt like someone was following me. I slowly turned my head to see Jake standing there. "Jake? Why are you following me?" "I'm not following you...." "You don't live this way. You usually drive since you do live quite far away. What are you doing?" "I wanted to take a short cut." "Ok? Do you want to walk with me?" "Sure!"

He walked side by side with me towards school. "So why are you walking this way exactly?" I asked him. "I told you, I'm taking a short cut." "Yeah but, you could just drive there and it's much easier then walking." He didn't answer. "It's not like I'm mad-." "I know, hyung. I know."

We soon arrived at school. "So, are you excited for year 12?!?" Jake exclaimed. "Of course I am." We walked into the school building, going towards our lockers. I grabbed my books, turning towards Jake. "Are you busy today?" He asked me. "Yeah. Well, I mean, I do have school." He hit his shoulder with an annoyed face.

I then slightly looked to the left. I saw Ni-Ki walking down the hall. I stared at him as he walked past me. I felt someone aggressively tap my arm. "Huh?" I turned my head, facing Jake. "What are you doing?" "Nothing. What did you want to tell me?" I noticed how he looked down the hallway.

"I want to go to this uhh... dog cafe with you after school. It opened a few weeks ago and I've heard a lot of good things about it." "I have nothing to do. So why not?"
12:35 pm...
Jungwon's POV

"Will you please come with me??" I begged Ni-Ki. "No. I don't want to go!" "Why not?" "Why do you want me to go so badly?" "I really want to see doggies with you!!!" I spread out my arms flat on the table, resting my forehead on the table.

"I do want to see dogs...." "Then will you come with me?" "Why me??" "You're my only friend! Just say yes!" "Fine. But I'm not your only friend." I raised my head from the table, looking up at him. "You are. But Yay!!! You're coming with me. We're gonna see doggies! We're gonna see doggies!" I sang.

"But why did you wanna go to a dog cafe all of a sudden? You've always been more of a cat person." (Jungwon may have a dog but he used to say that he wanted a cat). "I just really wanted to go to a dog cafe...." "Ok!"

I do really want to see doggies and pat them. But Jake hyung asked me to ask Ni-Ki if we could go to the cafe after school.... I don't know why... but I guess we'll just have to wait and see.
3:24 pm...
Jay's POV

"Come on hyung!" Jake dragged me towards the dog cafe. "Why do you want to get there so quickly?? Calm down!" We arrived at the cafe after a few minutes. We stepped inside and were greeted by a vanilla scent.

I saw the dogs in a room. I looked through the window, admiring the cute dogs in the room. "Hyung." I looked up at Jake. "Do you want to order something?" He asked me. "Yeah, sure." We sat at a table, looking at the menu.

"I want hot chocolate," I said. He nodded, continuing to look at the menu. He then gasped, pointing at something on the menu. "I'm gonna get the mango smoothie! That looks and sounds so good!" I smiled, calling over a waitress.

"Hello, what would you like?" "I'll get a hot chocolate." "And, I'll get the mango smoothie." "Ok! Anything to eat?" They have food here? I can't find it on the menu.

I looked at the menu, confusedly. "Here." The waitress flipped over the menu, showing the other side which had the food menu. I laughed, looking at the menu. "I'll get a cinnamon donut," I said. The waitress nodded. "I'll just get the same." The waitress then took our menus away.
Ni-Ki's POV

Jungwon hyung and I just got into the dog cafe. (Idk what I'm doing but just go with it). We signed in and walked up to where the seats and tables were. As soon as I got in the room, I quickly went behind a wall.

What is he doing here?!? "Jungwon hyung, what is doing here??" "Uhh... I don't know. But come on." He grabbed my hand, trying to pull me from behind the wall.

I peeped my head through the doorway, looking at Jay hyung. I noticed him look towards me. I immediately jerked my head back. "Come on Ni-Ki!" He successfully pulled me into the room, placing me at a table. I looked at the wall, trying to ignore Jay hyung.

"What is he doing here?!?" I whisper-yelled. He just shrugged. "You don't seem shocked!" He looked at a menu. "What do you want?" "Get me anything."

A waitress soon came and Jungwon hyung ordered us the same drink. I slouched back in the chair, putting my hand by my eyes, blocking my view of Jay hyung.

After about 10 minutes, we were told that we could go in and see the dogs. Jungwon hyung and I walked into a room, sitting down on the ground. Other people started coming in and some of those people happened to be Jay hyung and Jake hyung...

Why? My question is why? Why is he here at the same time as me? It's like history repeating itself! Jay hyung goes everywhere I go!!!!

I started to pat this small white dog that walked up towards me. I smiled, grabbing the toys that were next to me. I placed a stuffed animal in front of the dog. The dog immediately lunged towards it. It turned into a game of Tug of War.... I couldn't stop widely smiling, looking at this dog that was dedicated to get this toy!

In the end, the dog ripped the stuffed animal... and a few more toys... After awhile, the dog got tired and rested its head in lap. I lightly smiled, scratching its head. I looked away towards Jungwon hyung who was struggling to play with a dog. I couldn't help but laugh, watching him run after this dog.

I was about to get a small toy beside me when I saw someones hand about to grab it as well. "Sorry," He said. "No, have it." I handed me the toy. He looked up at me. I nodded with a small smile. "T-thanks." He grabbed the toy. I quickly turned away, mentally cursing myself.
Ni-Ki's POV

Jungwon hyung and I just got out of the cafe. "Did you enjoy the cafe?" He asked me. "Yeah, I did." "Where's your jacket?" I looked down at my arms, noticing that I wasn't holding my jacket. I sighed while rolling my eyes. "I'll be back."

I ran towards the entrance of the cafe. I stepped inside, bumping into someone. (shocker...). "Sorry! Sorry!" I looked up, noticing that I bumped into Jay hyung. "It's ok. It's ok. Here's your jacket. I noticed that you left it in that room." He handed me the jacket. "Thanks." I grabbed the jacket, instantly walking out of the cafe, running towards Jungwon hyung.

"What?!?" "I bumped into Jay hyung and he had my jacket!" Jungwon hyung and I looked back and saw Jay hyung and Jake hyung walking behind us. We started speed walking. "Can we walk faster?" I asked. "We're basically running! I don't think we can go any faster!" "Shush! They'll hear you!"

Jungwon hyung rolled his eyes. "If you want to hurry, then run!" I looked at him. "Ok!" I grabbed his hand, running further away. "Ni-Ki! I was just joking!"
This chapter... I don't have any words...
Fun Fact: The gelatin in fruit snacks are most likely made from pork skins...
I'm scared!
Hope you enjoyed reading this chapter :)
Words: 1367

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