Chapter 1

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"A witch, a human, and a vampire walk into a bar."

My hands tightened around the glass in my hands. I have heard this joke too many times, and am not a big fan of the punch line. As a witch, you're not looked up to very much, more as a dog for the vampire creatures. Humans always say that there more useful because they need their blood making them safe, fucking blood bags.

The bar wasn't overly packed, mostly humans, there were maybe two vampires, then me, the witch. No one knew I was a witch, just a traveller looking for a drink. I had a particularly good skill set to keep my magic hidden. Humans could feel their skin tingle when we were close, vampires get nauseated. If a human brought in a witch to the Vampire Lord they would be rewarded greatly, if a Vampire found a witch, well if you didn't kill him you would find yourself wrapped up in chains before you could cast your first spell.

I sighed.

I could hear the group laughing. Shooting the rest of my drink I gave my thanks to the barman and left. This place was not a particularly good place to stay at, too many loyalists.

As I made my way down the road, I saw two vampires questioning people. They were looking for trouble or food, and if they drink from me, I'll be in trouble. It's not that they can't, it just hurts a lot...for them.

"You, stay there!" I didn't bother trying to play dumb and stopped where I was as they came towards me.

The one who spoke was older and had a scar over his right eye, definitely by a witch, that I bet was dead now. The other was young naive, and who I'll have to focus my attention on to get out of this.

As they were coming to a stop in front of me, I bowed my head, "and what do I owe the pleasure to this visit?" I glanced up at the young one before straightening back up. A witch's glance could put anyone under a spell, even a vampire.

"We don't mean to bother..." The young one started but got smacked by the other, took a lot of control to not smile, I knew it worked.

"Don't play nice" he turned back to me "State your name and business."

"Aviana sir, I am here just passing through. I am staying at the inn just down the street." He had a curious look. Aviana is not a popular name but lying could put me in a worse position.

"What do you carry?"

"I have enough supplies for 3 days of food, and warm clothes for the fall air, sir."

He stepped in closer, "you sound like your hiding something, don't bother lying to us, you know it's against the law."

"Sir I..."

"HELP! HELP!" we all turned towards where I had just come from. Someone was screaming coming out of the bar.

"Rig, we should go, she hasn't lied, and her business puts no one in danger."

"Careful Kai, you can never trust a traveller, but we will have to go." He turned towards me again, "I expect to find you later at the Inn."

"Of course." I bowed my head and they left. Assuming they would keep to their word I had no time to go back to the Inn. I needed to get out, fast.

Pacing myself quickly but not conspicuously quick. This town is just too close to Lord Cassius's palace, if he finds me, I would be put to trials in a heartbeat.

It was a dark night being almost to the new moon, but there was also cloud cover and possible rain on the way. The streets were just dirt and the old buildings had only small lanterns lit. I could see some people were still awake and coming to their windows trying to figure out where the commotion was coming from, nosy humans.

I could see the forest just past some houses. If I can make it into the forest, I can much more easily hide. As I passed between two homes a dog picked up my sent, I turned back to it as it got up getting ready to start barking, I quickly formed a bone in front of it. Luckily, the dog gladly took the offering and left me be. I continued more at a run now.

This forest was thick, with tall trees, lots of moss, bushes, and greenery, I could also hear a stream up ahead. I was already exceptionally good at suppressing my magic but if I needed to use it, the water could help null its feeling.

Once I walked up the stream and felt I was far enough from the town, I decided to rest. My heavy bag falling to my side dropped to my knees to take a drink, it is beautifully clear and cold. I had a soft navy-blue cloak that was big enough to wrap myself in, I rested at the base of a big tree, with the flow of the river's sound, the light wind rustling the trees, and the Earth magic surrounding me, I fell into a deep slumber.

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