Chapter 8

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Like clockwork, Lucas met us outside the cafeteria this time. "Good morning, Master Lucas." I smiled at him, and we continued towards our tree.

"Ava, you think I'll really be able to do it?"

"Of course, if I didn't, I wouldn't bother teaching you."

"What are we doing?" Lucas was excited, this is why he was coming around.

"I'm going to teach her the same thing I threw at your uncle."

"Oh cool! That looked like it would have hurt."

"For you, it would have stunned you at least for a couple of hours. No effect on him though."

As we got to our spot, under the big tree, I noticed Lucas had brought some things, "Lucas why do you have a book bag?"

"I brought lunch, this way I don't have to leave, and I thought maybe after practicing so much you would be hungry too" Oh great, extra treatment, not what we need to deal with here. The girls back at our quarters even got jealous and ignored us when we got in.

"Awe thanks, Master Lucas." Nova obviously didn't notice danger in it. Oh, hell with it, everyone was already against us.

"Yeah, thanks, Lucas." He smiled at us and took a seat against the tree.

"Alright, Nova I need you to stand quite still. Stretch out your arms, palms up, and close your eyes." She did as she was told. "Now I need you to feel the air, look for the charge in the air, unfortunately, it'll be harder since we have clear skies, but it is there. Harder technically isn't a bad thing either it will help you practice your focus."

"I can feel a tickle almost."

"That's exactly it, focus on it, charge your fingers." I could see her focusing in and I could even see a small charge forming. I tapped her hand and the charge released sending a small shock to both of us. It startled her enough she took a step back.

"That was neat," she stretched her neck and resumed her position. We did this for the next few hours. Lucas never moved but watched intently.

"Alright, guys why don't we have lunch."

"That sounds great, I'm starving."

Lucas pulled out two sandwiches and a drink for himself. The sandwiches were filled with turkey, lettuce, mayo, and was just heaven! Damn, he was dragging me in. Unfortunately, I think they both were.

"Ava, you have any more stories?" I looked over at Lucas, but Cassius' words came back to me.

"Actually, I have a question for you Lucas." He looked over at me raising his head from his drink. "I haven't seen a witch with your uncle, does he not have any?"

"Oh, he does, sort of, it's complicated. He has none that belong to him strictly, but they belong to other Royals at the palace, but if he wished he could use one of them."

"Why hasn't he gotten one of his own?"

"He said, in the past, it was because they were too weak. He's strong, stronger than most Vampires if not all, and he said they would just be a burden on him." He looked at me with sadness in his eyes.

"What is it, Lucas?"

"Well, he just hadn't expressed much interest in you, that was until yesterday." That goddamn story! I screwed myself, but that was my mother not me. I just figured it be good for Lucas to know that witches can be extremely powerful. Not many of us but some.

"I see, well I guess I should be careful then."

"Ava, I want you to be in the palace, I'm trying to convince my mother to buy you if Uncle Cassius doesn't keep you."

"Lucas don't you worry about me, I can take care of myself, but Nova, she needs help, try to keep her safe."

"Thanks, Ava, but you're more valuable than me." I shook my head at her.

"You have strength, just weren't guided correctly. You have class three in you, but I just don't have the time to get you there before the Trials. You'll have to work ridiculously hard at the few lessons I can give before then."

She reached out and touched my hand, "Thank you Aviana, truly." She pulled back and stood up, "Ok then! I'm going to get back to practicing." But then she stopped, and we all looked over noticing the coming presence.

It was Lucas' mother, the scary woman walking in all her pride over towards us. He stood up and I followed. Nova and I bowed our heads, when she stopped in front of us, we stood up straight.

"Mother, is there something wrong?"

"No, my love, but you need to come home, there are many new people showing up for the new trials and I would prefer you in the safety of the manor than out here with these... beings." She didn't seem sour about us, she used us just like anyone else.

"Oh, but mother! Can I at least stay the rest of today! Please!" Just like any other little kid, ignoring the safety warnings from the parents for his own pleasures.

"Lucas I don't think that would be a good idea."

"My Lady, I can keep him safe." I put my arm to my chest, "I'll keep him safe in this compound along with the capable guards. No one will bother him, and I'll be sure to escort him to the outside gates.

"How can I trust you; you have no ownership."

"Call it a return of the favour he gave us with the excellent food he provided." She seemed amused in this but to be fair that was the best sandwich I have ever eaten.

She looked back at Lucas who was giving the biggest puppy eyes I had ever seen, now he's the one I need to learn the charming look from. "Fine, but if anything comes to harm him, you will see red witch."

"Is a threat I'll take very seriously; I know you are capable of many traumas." She smirked at me before returning to her son.

"Gale will come and pick you up by nightfall."

"Ok mother." He went and hugged her. She accepted it gladfully then walked back out.

"So, you're like my own personal bodyguard right now Ava." He had a big smile on his face.

"Don't get use to it, remember we're helping Nova get through these trials."

"I know." He then returned to his seat, and I went back to teach Nova for the remainder of the day.

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