Chapter 30

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I shot up in the bed, only to be greeted by a wave of dizziness. It took me a minute, but everything was coming back into focus. I was downstairs in King Cain's basement, where he places all of them. When I looked around though there was no one here, I heard footsteps coming down the stairs.

"Good morning," River was smiling with a plate of food in his hands.

"Good morning?" It came out as more of a question, than a greeting.

"Yes, you were asleep for a while." He sat on the edge of the bed placing a plate of fruit and eggs in front of me.  I dug in immediately.

"Can you tell me what is going on? Where is everyone?"

"Well after the feast Dohan told anyone who wants to go can go, and anyone that wanted to help can stay. There are a few of us now, I think we will be enough to change things."

I placed my hand over his, "You are enough." I tried to put on my best smile, but truthfully my worry was going to explode out.

"Anyways, you've been asleep for two days. I suppose you would be quite hungry after that."

There is no way, "Two Days!" I shot out of the bed but before I could run out he grabbed my arm.

"It's to late, there gone." Damn it Cassius.

I went to the side of the bed and grabbed my cloak. "Where were they heading."

"Aviana they can handle it."

"Do you not remember they were able to place a curse on Dohan, or did you forget what that means?"

"Calamity witch." I nodded in agreement. Eleanor found something or someone that had a lot of power. That curse was strong, so it had to be someone stronger than a normal class 5.

"I have to go." He let go of my arm.

"They left for the Eastern mountains, their called Eternal Tomb. It's not the easiest place to get too but if you keep heading East I'm sure you'll find your way."

I grabbed his hand and gave it a squeeze. "It will be alright, I promise; I'll look after Dohan, he seems like he would be a better suited King here."

He lightly squeezed my hand back. "Thank you, Aviana you changed things here forever, we will never forget, and hope you will visit after everything."

"Of course, I have to make sure he keeps up with is promise." I let him go and started heading to the door. "See you around River." Then I bolted out running to the entrance.

It wasn't hard to find, but outside had definitely became darker, and he was right it won't be hard to find, just follow the darkest clouds in the East. It was almost comical how obvious it was; but I also couldn't take my time, they may have been fighting by now. I returned to my wolf form, and with an immensely powerful force I lunged towards them. I just hoped they could hold out until I got there.

I reached what I believe was the Eternal Tomb. It was a Valley in the middle of towering mountains; but getting down there could be difficult, there seemed to be paths all over the place with discarded bones. I had to walk in different directions trying to get a better view of the Valley. The rocks were sharp causing me to cut myself a few times and tearing my cloak.

I ended up reaching a spot that looked to be an overhang. Peering over I saw them, all of them. I was right they were fighting, and Eleanor had gained a massive number of followers. I found Cassius pretty quick, besides looking a bit dirty he seemed fine.

"Quite the scene, don't you think." I didn't turn.

"It's not surprising I suppose."

"Why do you dwell on the surfaces problems. You could come home and not deal with any of this."

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