Chapter 3

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He pushed me ahead of him and the young kids were at either of my sides. I could hear the morning bells play in the town. The Sun was starting to rise but it was still cloudy holding onto its rain, the town would be full of people, and once we start walking through, everyone's going to want a peek at the witch the Lord of their small tiny little lives had caught.

"Don't cause a scene, I don't need to deal with dead people."

"Well, unlike your kind, I don't kill for sport." I held my head up high, I may hide my power, but I will not act weak.

"If that is what you think, than you know nothing of our kind."

I looked up at him questionably, then turned back to the path, "I know enough."

Once we were about to step into the town, he grabbed my arm and dragged me through the streets. Looking more closely at him he was much taller, probably taller than the average man. His ash-coloured air was short but long enough to style, he had a strong jaw, with broad shoulders, so of course, the Lord of the land would have a handsome figure. He held himself up with strong authority, this is what the young kid was trying to imitate. He stared back at me, and I let our eyes meet for a moment, before continuing to stare forward again.

I saw a lengthy woman standing in the town square, she had long black straight hair and a pointed nose. The young kids ran over and hugged her from behind. When she turned around, she saw us walking up. She locked her eyes on mine, before turning to Cassius.

"What do you have here brother?" Her voice was quite soft compared to the coldness she sends off with her body.

"Witch, maybe a level two could be three, she was holding back."

"A witch that holds back generally has more to hide than just a simple level three." She was cunning, she knows how this works. "Tell me, witch, what is your name?"

"Aviana" I bowed my head just slightly, these two were royalty, and without proper treatment, they could hurt you in more ways than what is even imaginable.

"It is possible that she could be stronger, but I can't see her being anything more than a three," Cassius said.

"Well brother I guess we shall see in the Trials, now won't we." She peered down at me, then moved to let us pass.

Cassius nudged me forward and we continued over to the carriages, basically a cage being pulled by magic, on the other end of the square. The kids stayed with the women.

"If you do prove yourself to be stronger, I may let you stay here, I doubt you want to be sold into a poor merchant's house, or how about the games?"

"Your very charitable my Lord." He smiled at my sarcasm.

"Tell me, would you have hurt those kids if I never came." He let go of my arm and faced me. Where was he going with this?

"I would not have bothered hiding if I planned on hurting them."

"I see, that was a Shadow spell was it not?"

"Was it?" I looked at him questionably.

"You're holding back, your hiding either an extraordinary amount of power or at least a more impressive amount. I will test you, I caught you which means I get first rights to keep you, and if I don't see what I want I will sell you to any bidder." He then motioned for me to get into the carriage and shut the door.

"See you in a week Aviana."

I watched him as the carriage started to move forward. Once he was out of sight, I sat down waiting to arrive at a place that can bring a lot of suffering to my life.

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