Chapter 14

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It was a small home with an open space a small bathroom and one bedroom but enough room for two beds and two dressers, I had no complaints. Over the season, we filled it with flowers and life. We had our own small garden that no one seemed to mind. Lucas enjoyed learning everything, and Nova was becoming a strong advanced level 2, I had put her at level three, but she refuses to believe it.

"Can you just agree with me, then we can move on to more complex spells." I was sitting by the window, the one facing Cassius' room. I had only heard from him maybe a handful of times. I had heard he, and Eleanor were planning a trip in the coming Holiday.

Nova sat beside me handing me a steamy cup of tea that smelled of jasmine. "If I do agree, can you promise me not to  go overboard? It still scares me to think that I advanced so quickly."

"Maybe your teacher was just talented." I winked at her. "Listen I'll go to the library for some aid on teaching level three spells. I don't want you to get hurt by doing something too strong either, I know how you like to not say 'no'." I turned to look out the window just in time to see Eleanor at his window, and like the beady-eyed woman she is, she turned to see me. I instantly turned back to Nova who was going on about the safety of spell casting.

I put my drink down, "It will be fine Nova." I got up and grabbed my cloak, it looked like we would have snow soon.

"Fine but be careful. I have to go to town with Lucas and Gale today. He wants to find a present for his mother for the upcoming Holiday."

"Perfect that'll give me plenty of time to put something together for us. I'll see you tonight."

We waved goodbye and I was out fast-paced walking to the library. I stopped for a moment to watch my breath. I breathed out and it became snow and fell gently to the ground. I loved simple magic more than the big stuff. Not paying attention I had almost run into the trunk of a tree, looking up it was beautifully grown, with strong limbs. Going close I could tell he has seen this place when it was nothing more than a forest. I felt a chill down my spine and decided to rush inside.

It was busy with the start of the new day. Everyone was rushing for breakfast or to get a head start on chores. They would be having people come from across the land to celebrate another year and to prepare for the upcoming Winter.

When I got to the top of the stairs, I saw Cassius and Eleanor together in the hall. She had him pressed against the wall trying to stop him from going anywhere. She grabbed his shirt and brought him down to kiss her.

I really didn't mean for it to happen but seeing it pissed me off. I clenched my hands to try and stop it, but it was too late the force was out and the painting just to the right of them came crashing down. It made them pull apart and look for the culprit, obviously with my talents I was already gone. I was in the library before anyone suspected me.

It was small and musty. The smell of old books and their stories spilling out from every corner. A few seats and a couch with red velvet covers seemed to fit the library well, and the two long windows letting in just enough light. Going over a few sections I found a few books that looked promising, deciding to sit at the long couch facing the window before diving deep into them.

I was too focused on my reading to notice when someone entered the library and sat beside me, but I did not have to look at him to know who it was.

"That was an original painting I hope you know," Cassius said

I looked over at him, "I wouldn't know what you're talking about."

"Either way, try to contain your powers, or I will have to turn that back on." He touched the collar on my neck. His fingers lingering only for a moment, and I knew he could feel my pulse quicken at his touch.

"Have you ever had witches' blood?" It kind of stumbled out but he seemed interested in the question.

"Once, it was quite painful, I wasn't as strong as I am today though."

"Do you think mine would hurt you?"

He did that half-smile that I love, "Why? Did you want to try?"

"Whoa, I'm pretty sure you would have a harder time than I would."

He reached over to pull my hair back, "Why don't we find out," he was leaning in so close I could smell his cologne, it was sweet-smelling with a bit of musk. His lips were at my neck. I moved my arm to grab the top of the couch, the book in my other hand fell to the ground. He had small hairs that tickled my neck causing an electrical outburst.

He pulled back just in time before Eleanor walked in, "Cassius we have to go, people will be coming soon, and we have to be prepared with the humans."

He reluctantly got up, taking his time, almost like he was disappointed. If he was willing to take witches blood, he was probably very hungry.

"Cassius," he turned back towards me, "Try to get something to eat, you'll only put yourself in danger and I'll have to come save your ass." He smiled.

"Have a good day Aviana."

They had both left and I was in a kind of haze. What was I thinking? My magic in his body could have killed him! I needed to start practicing my impulses around him. For both our sakes.

I took the books back with me to our house. It is, by far, safer to be in my own dwelling than somewhere I could do something dangerously impulsive again.

I came up with some great ideas before Nova got home. She didn't say much before going to bed which seemed odd for her, Lucas must have tired her out. I decided it was getting late and it be a good idea to get some sleep too. Tomorrow we would have to be on our best behaviour for our guests.

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