Chapter 13

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The guard saluted and left to talk with the other guards, and Cassius continued into the mansion. Inside wasn't so bad. Little outdone with high ceilings, grand staircases, too many rooms, and weird paintings. I prefer a nice small home, with a good garden, and small creatures making homes in the flowers and trees.

"This way Aviana." He was already starting up the stairs and I had to run a bit to catch up. The sleep, or nightmare, in the carriage, wasn't enough for me to get back my energy and being mostly closed off from my magic with this thing around my neck is going to take me much longer.

I followed him a way, noticing a quaint library, and small business rooms. There were humans and vampires running around doing chores. He opened into a large room, it had a huge bed, large dressers, and closets. A study area next to a nice sitting window. Looking down I can see a quaint little home. Between the closet and study area was a door that seemed to be a bathroom. As I turned back around Cassius was standing there watching me analyze his bedroom... his bedroom, I think I blushed I didn't mean to, but this whole thing is new to me.

"I hope you enjoyed your tour, don't go anywhere." He headed towards the bathroom.

"Yes well, then I'll just stay over here." I stuttered out before he shut the bathroom door behind himself. That was embarrassing.

I sat by the window looking at the small home when I noticed Lucas and Nova heading inside. I wonder if that's where Nova will stay? I need to talk to her, I need to make sure she understands, and that she doesn't hate me. I hadn't had a friend in so long I forgot how they worked. I looked back towards the bathroom, there was no way I would chance leaving and getting back before he was done. Just then I heard the shower turn off.

He came out with pants on but no shirt. His broad shoulders and defined abdomen were too much, I couldn't process him right now, too much else was in my head. I turned to look out the window and saw Lucas leave. I will have to get down there. Then someone knocked on the door. I turned with Cassius fully dressed.

"Eleanor," he left the door open and walked away from it to sit at his chair at his study.

"I didn't think you would have company, isn't it a little dangerous to be alone with her." She gazed an ugly look at me.

"That's not your concern. What do you want?"

"I told your guard to tell you we need you in the meeting room, we need to go over some certain plans with you." She was obviously trying to avoid giving off too much information while I was here.

"Very well, Aviana you stay here." He was starting to head out with her.

"Wait do you think I can go see Nova; I saw her go into the house there." I pointed out towards the window, but he knew which place I meant.

"They won't trust you to go around the castle on your own. Just stay here for now." He then left, shutting the door, and ending any protests I may have.

I looked back out the window and noticed she was still in there. I rummaged through Cassius' desk and found paper and pencils.


Please forgive me for what I did. I didn't mean to keep it a secret but It's dangerous for people when they know my true powers. I don't want to be in this awkward place with you. If you can accept my apology, please come out of the house and wave towards the mansion. You will see me at the window.


I folded the paper giving it wings. I opened the window and let it fly out into the air. It flew down and slowly made its way to the home. It flew right at her window. She opened it up and grabbed it. Now I just have to hope that she comes out. After a few sweaty minutes, she came out and looked over. I waved down at her, and she waved back with a smile. Thank you, I tried telling her, she nodded at me and then went back inside.

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