Chapter 7

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We had done this until mid-day, but I could tell Nova was getting tired and we took a break. Nova left to get us some water and Lucas left to go home and eat. The tree and silence were a nice break. I could see Viera and that other level three working together. They were definitely friends and would be trouble competition. Reaching out I could tell Nova was on her way back and when she was close enough, I opened my eyes.

"So, how long did it take you to notice me coming towards you?"

"You never left my radar," I smiled at her.

"So, your quite strong, aren't you? I promise Aviana I won't tell anyone, but you keep to yourself but have all this knowledge."

"I was a traveller Nova, I read a lot, I heard many stories, and I have met many other witches. You learn more on the road, being stuck as a slave will weaken you." She looked sad, like a part of her that she'll never even get to explore. "Why don't we sit here for a bit and just relax?" She nodded and took a seat beside me.

It was a while before the sun started setting, which was good, we had been practicing off and on all day. We were about to go back to our quarters before I noticed Lucas coming back, what is he doing here at nightfall?

"Hey" he waved over and ran towards us; he used a bit of his vampire speed this time. "What are we going to do now?"

"We were actually about to go back and rest until tomorrow. Nova will need her strength tomorrow."

"I will?"

"Yes, we will work on some offensive tomorrow." She smiled

"Wow, that's going to be so cool! I can't wait to see it! Is there anything that you can teach us now? Any stories?"

"I agree, you said you learned from other witches, what else have you learned?" Nova seemed just as deeply interested as the kid.

"Alright, one thing then you go home, and we go rest."

"Agreed!" they said at the same time.

"We all know there are level fives, that's our top-level," they both nodded. "Well, there was another, but they were not rated, they were so powerful Royals decided to kill them then try to tame them." They were leaning in both enthralled in this story. "it's said that they emit so much power that their aura becomes visible. That spells could be so strong that they could kill and level towns. Even Royals could be killed by their spells. They always had one thing though when they emitted their power, and that was their deep-coloured pink eyes. They believe some are still alive but hiding, maybe in the desserts, or even under our own noses, but they're so skilled you would just never know." I let the story sink in, and it was Lucas who spoke up first.

"Have you seen one before?"

"I have actually, she was murdered, I was very young and barely remember but it was a power that Vampires were afraid of, so they killed her for it."

"But it sounds so cool!"

"Yes, but that type of magic would kill you. You have to be very careful young Master, your uncle could take a hard hit, but you're still young and could be killed."

"I know, mom tells me that all the time."

"I think it's time we go rest." We all stood up and we started walking back towards the quarters.

I saw that level three and Viera come out around another cabin.

"Well, well, well, look what the cat threw up." They stood in front of us, and I noticed he wasn't wearing his collar.

"Where's your leash?" I snapped.

"Don't get cocky newbie."

"Conner, Viera, we're just heading back to our quarters, and the young Lucas here is heading home, please just let us through." Very diplomatic of Nova.

"We couldn't care less about that little squirt but you two I think it's time you hand over your tokens." Connor lifted his hands and a ball of flame erupted from his palms.

I stood in front of them both, "listen we have no interest in giving you anything, and if you start shooting fireballs around, you'll burn everything around you. Now get out of our way." I started to emit more power just enough to give a good warning. Their stance stiffened getting ready for me to do something, but I blinked and relaxed I felt this before, looking at Nova she now felt him too.

"I can see we are all getting along here," Cassius spoke behind them and they jumped nearly out of their skin. They fell to their knees.

"I am sorry Lord Cassius we never meant to harm your nephew, but we have fair game against the two witches," Connor spoke.

"I obviously know the rules, now get out of the way." They stood up, looked back at us then ran off towards their cabin. "Lucas, what are you doing, it's nightfall." He glanced up at me before returning to Lucas.

"I know Uncle, but I didn't want to miss anything! Ava was telling us about a story of a witch with so much power that even vampires were scared of!" Ava? Seems I earned a nickname.

"Had she now? And what did she say?"

"How they could level a whole town!" He threw out his arms to express the explosion. This seemed to make him smile.

"Well, that is true, anything else she cared to share?" He was looking at me and I could tell he was studying me.

Lucas put his fingers to his chin, "Oh! She said their spell could kill a Royal. Though I'm not sure about that, I've never seen any witch come close to killing a Royal on their own." He turned back to him.

"Believe it, they are most dangerous, I've seen it. Even almost killed me once long ago." Lucas' eyes widened.

Lucas turned back towards me, I bowed in respect, mostly for show in front of Cassius, I don't need that trouble towards me.

"Uncle, can I come back tomorrow?" Cassius lifted one of his eyebrows and dare I say it was cute. I did a little sigh on the inside even thinking about it.

"Of course, I don't see why not."

Lucas smiled up at his uncle. "I'll see you guys tomorrow, then ran off towards the outer gates." How I wish I could waltz out of this place, without the chances of being hunted later.

"Careful what stories you speak of, wouldn't want to be sending the wrong impression." He then turned and walked away. Nova and I both bowed as he left then we turned to each other.

"He is so intense! I actually felt him coming sooner than, Lucas."

"He takes up a lot of space."

"That's scary Ava, I don't know if I could handle that." I looked at her. "What? Ava is a nice nickname; it works for you." I rolled my eyes and walked back to our cabin, or more appropriate our shack. She followed up behind me. Tomorrow we would be working on her element, and she will need all the rest she can get.

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