Chapter 5

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I dreamt of Doe eyes, they felt sorry for me, they knew what was in store. They ran into a meadow, the sun was shining, but out in the clearing were two young Vampires, they were hunting. I wanted to yell out at the deer to stop and go the other way, but I couldn't make a sound. I had chains on my wrists and a collar around my neck. I could do nothing but watch. They were closing in on the deer, they leaped towards them. I saw a deer get thrown to the ground, but before the young bloodsucker could bite into him, I was startled awake.

My cloak was on the ground, and it was cold, I could feel the dampness from outside. It was a heavy shower, but no one was inside. There was yelling from outside that made me wake up. I got up and opened the door, heavy showers, usually I would just cast protection around me to keep me dry, but I can't now. I looked up and saw the dark clouds, they won't let up anytime soon. I could have just went back inside and not worry what others were doing, but from what I could tell everyone was at the levitation area, and the Vampires were just watching a show. I couldn't abandon someone that could be a friend, we had just met, but she had good qualities, I could feel it in her aura.

I lifted the hood of my cloak and walked out to the crowd. As I got closer, I noticed there were some cheering and booing. They were competing, that was an obvious, dangerous thing about competition, people died. Swerving my way into the crowd I came to the front and saw the nightmare in front of me. Nova was competing against another female, she was larger than Nova, not hard to do with her petite size, she definitely had more power. They were both standing in front of two weights trying to levitate two hundred pounds. This was a level three-act, Nova was not, but neither was this other woman, their power would snap and reverberate back, don't think enough to kill but it will hurt, a lot. With the Trials in a few days, she may not even be healed by then.

I turned to a short man beside me, "Hey, do you know what's going on here?"

"Oh, hello, you must be new, Viera challenged Nova for food tokens." I could tell he was older, only a small amount of grey hair, but he seemed wiser than the age he portrayed.

"That's a thing?" Shit, I forgot about food, how the hell does this place work.

"Oh yes, we only get a token a day, and Viera will try to get at least one or two more. She will save them before the Trials."

"But just because you eat more, trying to have more energy, doesn't mean your magic will be any stronger." He smiled at me.

"Yes, that is true, but the younger ones don't know that. Tell me, what level are you?"

"Seems to be my most sought-after question here."

"I'm sorry if it makes you feel uncomfortable."

"No not at all it's fine, I would range closer to a three."

He grabbed my shoulder, "then maybe you could stop this, you know what will happen to them if they continue for too long."

I looked back at Nova, she was struggling, and even in this rain, she was sweating. "Sadly, I do."

The man then raised his hand, "Here! We have a new challenger."

Everyone stopped to look at us, Nova turned too and noticed it was me, she looked exhausted, so did the other women, they were close, maybe too close.

The man pushed me forward, "this woman here, I say if she can lift one of the weights the challenge will be cancelled, and everyone walks away." I saw a few of the Vampires come in closer, I didn't see Rig, maybe he was on break?

"Who is she?" Viera was panting heavily but she tried to act tough.

Nova spoke up, "that's Aviana, she just got here." She was trying to catch her breath as she spoke.

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