Chapter 21

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Coming into town was full of hustle and bustle. There were a lot of people running around, probably gossiping about the Gala events. Knowing that their King is gone is probably making everyone a bit more on edge.

"Halt!" It was Rig I recognize his voice immediately.

Nova slowed the carriage down to a stop and Rig and Kai came up to us.

"What are you two doing down here?"

"We were permitted the day off and we decided to enjoy it by grabbing a drink at the tavern." We both held firm, any spot of weakness and they would think we were lying.

"Fine go ahead." They backed off from us and we continued down the road.

It wasn't too far when we made it up the small hill and hit the ole tavern. It really wasn't much but it had a bit of charm on it. Possibly done by a witch many generations ago. We both hoped down and going into the musty building. There were only a few others here, mostly vampires, probably because humans were working and, well you just never saw witches out much. We found a seat by the bar and ordered our drinks.

"What do you want to drink too?" I asked.

"How about to the celebration that I finally got you out of the house." We tapped our glasses together and took a swig.

"We probably shouldn't stay out too late otherwise it will probably make the guard suspicious."

"I don't think I would particularly care if I made those two suspicious." Nova shook her head at my answer. "Why don't we get some food! Bartender! Can we get two of your specials please?"

"Of course!" He yelled, then disappeared into the back.

We stayed for a few hours getting louder and louder the more we drank and ate. It was fun to be out with a friend, but it was almost nightfall. We decided to tip our bartender and head out.

It had started to snow on our way home, once we were out of the town, I produced a small flame to help keep us warm.

"Now that is something I could use, both for me and Lucas."

"And you probably can, you're advancing well and I'd say you would probably get it in about a year."

"A year!"

I laughed at her, "Yes a year. Flame is extremely tricky and the moment you lose focus of it, it will spread and become out of control."

"Oh, fine then but I will learn it."

"And I am sure you will, I was going to start teaching you earlier but then all that shit went down, and now here we are." I smiled at her.

We were getting through the thicker portion of the forest when we heard noises coming from behind us. Did it sound like a runaway cart?

We both looked behind and saw a carriage going at full speed towards us. I pulled our carriage out of the way just in time to see this one pass us and continue towards the castle. We didn't waste any time I took control, and we were going to catch up no matter what.

We were just outside the Manor when it slowed down and more gracefully pulled up to the entrance. We slowly crept up behind it and jumped down and waited to see who would get out.

The door opened and a larger old man came out. He was a mage for sure, powerful, definitely stronger than Gale. Then a young woman came out, lean, blonde, beautiful, she was a higher-class vampire. Then one more man came through and I recognized him from the Gala. He was one of the ministers from out of town, vampire as well.

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