Chapter 26

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Bumping along the roads, Nova and I were tasked with being the driver for Cassius and his men, in all, there were four carriages. I turned to look at Nova, she was helping with pulling them along. He didn't want to risk bringing more witches than needed. Apparently, the Northern Kingdom does not exactly hate witches but treats them very differently.

I absentmindedly put my hand to my collar. He was telling me this when he had to put it back on. I also had to behave my best, otherwise, certain consequences could happen. I just had to laugh; I don't know who this king is, but he is going to have a pretty rude awakening.

"What's wrong Ava? You seem lost?"

I looked at her, and she had that damn expression of hers where you reveal all of your secrets. I sighed, "It's not that, I just keep thinking about this whole ordeal. I mean, I get why I'm coming, but why put you in danger."

"I don't mind, I wanted to come." Of course, she would.

I looked ahead and noticed we were coming up to the Desert border. We will be there by nightfall, which was good because the sun was ridiculously hot, and these vampires would need to eat sooner rather than later if they had to be exposed too long.

I turned back to Nova, "Please try not to do anything that makes you stand out."

She burst out laughing, "You're warning me?"

Smiling back, I gave her a small nudge, "Yes, I am. You like to get into trouble you know."

"Well then, I guess I will have to look to my teacher for an example."

I now burst into laughter. I don't care I am so glad she is here. This trip could be dangerous, but no one will touch her.

The trip in was quiet, not that many towns between the border and the king's manor. I have to admit there was more vegetation here than I remembered. Tree's were blossoming beautifully and the smaller towns we had passed were quite quaint, seemed peaceful. When we came up to the king's home, it was built like a fortress, a wall surrounding his entire manor. We came up to the guards at the front.

I knew better than to speak to them, so I just got off my seat and opened the door. Cassius stepped out. He was wearing his Royal attire with his crest on the back. The same one Nova and I had on our collars now.

The guards bowed, "King Cassius, King Vern is expecting you. Please we will escort you and the rest of your party to him. Please have your witches bring the carriages to the West end."

Everyone got out of the rest of the carriages. Cassius turned towards us but didn't speak anything, Nova and I just bowed and left.

This whole manor was massive, it had three levels, grand windows, built entirely of stone. It would stretch the length of a whole town, but it felt, warm, soft almost. He had built it to show ruling but also welcoming. It was an odd mix.

As we came up the West end there were other carriages parked. They were a lot grander than Cassius', which almost makes me wonder if Cassius is either poor, or he doesn't care.

"What should we do now?" Nova was looking around. There appeared to be a guard near here, probably watching to make sure no one takes one of the carriages and runs off.

"I have no idea. Maybe just stay here? I mean I don't really have any desire to go inside. I don't recall them being very welcoming to witches. Plus it was his son that teamed up with Eleanor."

"True, but didn't he punish him."

"So he says."

We both got startled, there was a noise coming from the furthest carriage. I looked back at the guard but he didn't move. I jumped from my seat, and slowly walked up to the unknown noise, or maybe it was more of a cry?"

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