Sneak peak of the next book

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Hey! Here is the start of the next book, but I am quite busy with school. I do hope you enjoy this little prelude.


"It's been years and we have had no leads!" Cassius fist smashed down on the Shadow Kings table. A little irritating but nothing The Shadow King wouldn't have expected.

"Calm down, this is nothing but expected. My daughter, let alone reckless and stubborn, had proven she can handle extraordinary power and live. Right now, the focus is on him so don't take it out on my table."

Cassius moved back, worried if he smashed anything else of the Shadow Kings, he would get a little bit more than just a warning.

"Now tell me what you know." The Shadow King ordered.

"Nothing, that's the problem. We're no closer to solving this issue than when we started three years ago."

"Ah, yes, well at least there is some good news, she will wake soon, and in that time, I will come to your table and give you a bit of advice."

Cassius didn't know what to take of this information. Was it a threat, a promise, or another deal.

"What about our first deal?"

"Well, that did keep my daughter alive now didn't it, and you played your part perfectly, she wouldn't have noticed, that I can guarantee you."

It hurt Cassius knowing the first thing she woke up to would be a lie. If only he could break his promise but that would only put her in more danger.

The Shadow King moved in front of Cassius, "Now is the time to prepare. She will wake soon and when she does, she will know that someone else is playing the cards, and this person I know plans to destroy everything."

Cassius narrowed his eyes, "How can you be certain?"

"Why? Because they think as I do. Why not use the most unpredictable King to use as a tool towards war and see what the strengths of the other kings have that they can use against him." The Shadow King shrugged his shoulders before sitting and continue drinking his drink.

It irritated Cassius how he couldn't see the double edge sword that had been right in front of him. The moment Aviana passed out in the field; he knew that this was all a ploy. He wouldn't let this happen again, who knows how long she would be out next time, or maybe even survive.

"Just tell me when she wakes." Cassius started to walk out the doors.

"Oh, I won't," Cassius turned back with a curious look, "You really think the first thing she is going to do is stay with her dear ol dad?" The Shadow King got up and walked up to Cassius until he stood in front of him. "She will go back to you, and that night when you're all sitting and eating, trying to catch up on your lives and what she missed, I will join you, and tell her everything." He smiled at Cassius knowing this made him uncomfortable.

Cassius only replied, "See you at dinner." Before he turned and left.

Stirring in the distance a girl was waking up from her long slumber. It wasn't a night's rest that woke her but a nightmare

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