Chapter 27

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We both looked over to the door to see a tall lean man leaning on the door. He was the same one that was holding Nova down in the hallway.

"Sorry to intrude, how is she?" He came over to the side of the bed, it took Nova a second to break her gaze from him.

"I need to get some supplies, she needs certain herbs, but she also needs to be able to drink it."

"Well, I can take you to the kitchen if you think you can find what you need there."

Nova stared at him for a moment before she could respond. "Yes, thank you. Ava, can you watch Lily?"

"Of course."

"Please follow me, the name is Erik by the way."

"Pleased to meet you." She did a small bow. "My name is Nova, and this is Aviana." I smiled and nodded my head at him.

They both left the room closing the door behind them. Lily sounded strong but yet she got sick. Looking around a bit more she had small trinkets everywhere, it was either dried flowers, small rocks, letters.

The door burst open before I could keep looking around. Another male came in, he was a bit shorter than Eric, but same colour hair, and eyes. He looked at me for a moment but went straight to Lily.

"Tell me, witch, is she going to be alright? Did we make a mistake thinking that a human could survive?" He never looked at me but was holding her hand staring intently at her face.

I looked over to see another woman, gowned in a lady's maid uniform. She was another petite woman with short blond hair.

"Was she like this the whole pregnancy?"

He sighed before answering but looked my way. "No, she was happy and healthy. She was still riding the horses even."

"When did you notice her appetite change? Or when she started to vomit?"

"I would say maybe ten days ago. She started to tell me her belly hurt at night. Sarah," He nodded to the other women, "Was able to make up some remedies that helped for a little while, but Lily had only kept getting worse."

Very peculiar, "I am sure Nova will come back with something that could help her sleep, then in the morning hopefully she will be awake long enough so we can get some food in her. She did say the baby felt fine though."

He smiled down at his wife, then kissed the top of her belly. He seemed like a very gentle man, for a werewolf. They both seemed very different compared to our encounter in the hallway.


"Erik, thank you for helping us."

"Of course, brother, but I had thought you were going to Cedar to find medicine?"

"I had caught wind that she was getting worse. I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I was not here during her greatest time of need."

Nova broke in between them, "I'm sure I can help. Just help me get her into a sitting position."

Nova took a bowl full of herbs and cast a small flame. Once it started burning, she blew out the flame and put it under Lily's nose.

"This will help her sleep hopefully for a full day."

Ryker placed her back down in bed and gave her a small kiss on her forehead. "Thank you."

"Ryker, we need to tell father you are home. He will want you to join us, maybe we can convince him to let you stay."

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