Chapter 9

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By nightfall we were all tired, I practiced extreme control. Trying to spark one blade of grass, they never noticed it, but it made me tired to focus for so long. Nova was getting better, practicing the next couple of days will get her well prepared for the Trials.

"Alright Nova I got to bring Lucas back to the front gate, I'll meet you back at our bunks."

"Sounds good," she turned to Lucas, "I guess I won't see you for three days, be safe, and say hi before I leave for a new home."

He hugged her, "I will!" He let her go and she walked back towards our small little home. Suppose that's what it turned into after these short days of getting to know each other.

"Alright Master Lucas, I will be your guard today, lets head out shall we." I spread out my arm for him to lead ahead. I think even I'll miss him being around a bit, his curiosity about how things work helps me remember my knowledge on the subject. Good for the Trials coming up.

We were almost to the gates when I felt Kai coming out of the building next to the entrance.

"Sorry young Master, but Gale hasn't shown up yet."

"But if I don't get home before the sun sets completely mom will freak out." He was worried about his mother's anger, and I don't blame him.

"I'm sorry." Kai bowed.

"I guess I will just wait to see if he shows up." Lucas went to take a seat next to the gate and I followed beside him.

It was now completely dark outside, and there were no signs of him or any messages from the palace. I looked around and saw one of those Royal carriages. I got up and went to the building, knocking on the door Kai answered.


"Kai we both know he needs to get home, or the likelihood of an uproar is high, mages will think they could exchange his life for their freedom, you know which ones I'm thinking of." He nodded in agreeance. "We need to get him home, you have a Royal carriage there, I can pull it with my magic, you sit inside with him." He looked at the carriage then back at Lucas.

"I didn't want to, but I thought this might happen." He came out and shut the door behind him. "Ok, you go get the carriage and I'll open the gates." I nodded at him and went to grab it.

Big bulky and ugly were my only thoughts but I could put him inside and hide his presence and my magic so that no one will know we are even passing through. I got in the driver's seat and rose it up and pushed it forward with ease. "Wow Ava, I didn't know you had this kind of skill."

I smiled and put a finger to my lips, "Shh let's not tell anyone." I winked at him before motioning him to get in by opening the door without having to move in the slightest. They got in and shut the door. I pulled the carriage forward and we were off down the road to the Palace.

I could easily abandon them, out here in the middle of the forest, it be too easy, but the little bastard caught me in his charm, now I'm stuck. I'll make sure he gets home safe but after the Trials, I have no promises to him.

I could hear the crows calling, they were the eyes of the forest. I could tell there were hunters, hiding, waiting. My spell was working well. I threw us off their trail by miles, they were heading the wrong way.

After a few more miles I saw something, it was another carriage.

"Oh no, Kai stay with Lucas, I think I see Gales Carriage."

"Don't you dare leave us!"

"I promise I won't be far, but I need to check it out." He grunted in acknowledgment.

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