Chapter 17

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Walking up to my door I could hear the kettle going off. Nova was in and I'm sure I carried an expression of loss. It takes a lot out of me to turn someone's mind inside out; but it also takes a lot of my own mind to do it. I just needed to rest then everything would be right as rain.

Walking in though Nova saw my expression and immediately stopped what she was doing.

"What happened to you?"

"I don't think right now is a good time to talk about it." I tried sneaking past her, but she blocked my way.

"No, you sit and talk about it now."

"Nova even if I wanted to I can't. This was something asked of me by Cassius and I don't think sharing this experience is something I'm allowed to share."

"He didn't..." She put her hands to her face, and I knew exactly what she was asking.

"No, he did not, now I am going to go into our room and sleep before the whole charade of tonight starts."

She moved aside and let me move past her. I shut the door behind me, I didn't want to be disturbed and wanted to sleep as much as I could before I had to entertain his guests. It didn't take me long to fall asleep after hitting my pillow.

There was a small chill in the air, and I knew the fire was out and Nova had already gone. Opening the door there was a note on the table and a dress draped over the chair.

Do not be late, I doubt Cassius will be too happy if you were. I put your dress out, I figured these things are something you're not overly knowledgeable at, so Lucas and I picked one out for you.

See you soon,


Lifting the gown, it would be a full-length dress with an open back and long sleeves. It was as black as charcoal and would suit me just fine. I decided to put my hair up in a bun with a few curled pieces loose. The shoes where simple basic black heels. The only problem with all of this was having to walk across the snowy courtyard. I decided to wear my normal shoes until I got across and into the manor.

Coming up to the ballroom I could hear the sound of a piano playing with violins and cellos. I quickly switched my footwear and took off my shawl and gave them to one of the workers. Walking into a room filled with vampire royals and nobles made my skin crawl. The amount of power energized in this room felt like it could explode.

"She finally arrives."

I turned around to see Marcus in a beautiful black tux but if looked in the light the right way you could see a hint of blue, he had it paired with a white shirt and black tie. "Marcus." I nodded my head at him. He ended up closing the gap between us by wrapping his arm around my waist and grabbing my other hand and placing it on his shoulder. "What are you doing?"

"You may be more powerful, but I doubt you can dance." He started to lead me out onto the dance floor with such soft movements you would almost think he was a vampire. "Be sure to look at me and not your feet, otherwise you'll trip."

"Sorry, definitely not a dancer." I looked up into his blue eyes, immediately my mind went to the vampire in the cellar missing one of his. It caused me to look away and trip over his feet. He immediately corrected us, and we fluently continued with the dance.

"Something startled you, what was it?"

"It was nothing." There was no way I could let anyone know what happened. "Tell me Marcus do you enjoy working for Cassius' brother?"

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