Chapter 22

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The next few days were just complete hell. There were at least five suiters here with their sleazy parents and their witches. Which all believed they were better than the rest. I don't think I get vampires, why are they in charge, they care nothing but power and greed.

Cassius was hiding in his study when I finally found him. He was just sitting there towering over his papers. He didn't even notice me, or maybe he did.

I knocked on the door first, "Hey, you wanted to see me?"

"Yes, come in and shut the door."

I did as I was told and took the seat in front of his desk. He wasn't looking at me yet but was finishing writing whatever he was doing first.

"We have an influx of mages here and there starting to become arrogant. They all believe they are stronger than the other." I just nodded, "I need them handled." He was just staring at me.

"Wait you want me to figure out what to do with them?"

"Yes, that is your area. I am expected to keep things in order, but I am too busy with other plans to deal with them, so the responsibility falls on you."

"You owe me for this," He just smiled at me and waved me off. "Fine, get them all to meet me outside in the courtyard after supper."

"Very well, and Aviana, no Shadow work."

"You just like to take the fun out of it all don't you?"

He stood up and came behind me, leaning down he wrapped his arms around me, coming in close to my neck he started to softly place his lips on my skin, causing me to shiver in response. His touch was very electrifying. His hands started to come around lingering down by my waist. The moment his fingers touched my stomach, I felt a knot, and this was just a bit too much for me right now.

"Ok! I will get that started for you." I stood up out of my chair and he laughed going back to his chair.

I was still breathing a little harder than I should have been, of course, I wanted him, but I have never had these feelings before. He does something to my body when he touches it.

Heading outside I saw three of the suiters talking to one of the guards. They must be wanting to go to town.

"You!" I recognized her from before, it was Ivy.

I walked up to them only out of politeness, "Hello."

"I need you to get us a carriage and take us to town. We need to grab some items before our formal introductions with Lord Cassius."

"As much as I would love to help, I can not. I have a task to complete for Master Cassius." I knew they couldn't argue with me on this, but I felt like they really wanted to try.

"Witch, if you refuse now, I swear to you when he picks me, you will no longer be needed. Kyle is much stronger than you. Can you even pull a carriage?"

"Have a great day ladies," I could only walk away from the stupid in these women. They have no idea what I am capable of. Every guard, vampire, and human that was there that day was sworn to silence.

I ended up finding Nova puttering away in the garden. She has grown to be quite strong and I think it's time she actually faces a challenge.

"Nova I have a proposition for you."

"Lucas warned me you might ask something of me, and he said no."

"Oh come on! Is everyone against me today?"

She laughed, "No Ava but you're going to have to deal with them on your own."

"I just thought it be a good opportunity to see how well you advanced. There are five of them, and five against one isn't very fair." She just rolled her eyes at me and continued to garden.

"I think he just wants to see what you can do besides Shadow work."

"How did you know I can't use Shadow spells?"

"Lucas told me, should say warned me."

"Ok fine, but if I get hurt, I'm blaming all of you."

"I doubt you will, but what will you do?"

"Only way to settle an ego is to talk some sense into them, and if that doesn't work beat it out of them."

"I think I will go make some tea and you should come up with a plan."

"Sure Nova, I'll come inside in just a minute."

I turned my attention to the Manor. It didn't take me long to find Cassius. He was in the dining hall with a bunch of people. I believe it was the mix of the mages and ministers. The suiters seemed to have found a way to town. There was something bothering me though, If I did this there was a chance, I could be caught but I had to look into it.

I went down to my cat form it had a lot more stealth than a wolf. I found my way into the dining hall, and I was right that all of them were in here. Cassius was discussing with the other mages that they would be required to meet me outside later. After they would all get together and he would meet each suiter.

"Lord Cassius, are you still going to go with the old traditions?"

"What do you mean Minister Carlton?"

"Well my mage is extremely powerful; I doubt there is one in here that could beat him. If my mage beats yours will you take my daughter's hand?"

"Carlton if any one of the mages beats Aviana, I will take their daughter's hand." He smiled then looked down at me. This was crazy he just challenged me to beat all of them. I flicked my tail at him and left.

I went back home and sat with Nova, the tea she makes always helps me calm my nerves.

"What happened?"

"It's Cassius! He just challenged all the minister's mages to beat me in a battle. If one wins, he will Marry their daughter immediately." I plopped my head on the table.

"He must have a lot of faith in you to determine his fate."

I had never thought of that, this would put him in a big predicament if I failed. I took a big drink of my tea.

"Alright then, Nova I'm going into my room to focus for a while, just let me know when everyone is out in the courtyard," she nodded.

I retreated into my bedroom and I would not come out until it was time to deal with these insects. They will not win, not when Cassius put his future in my hands.

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