Chapter 20

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Well, it's been a passing of a full moon; I know Cassius is safe over in the Dessert lands with his guards because they constantly send messages back stating so. I was very insistent that I go too but he profusely denied my persistence and made me stay behind to protect his home. We haven't actually been able to sit and talk about what happened between us since everything. The Dessert King had no idea what his little brother was up to and demanded his return so he could punish him. Cassius and he had come to an arrangement and now he is there and I am stuck here.

"No matter how long you stare out that window he will not show up in his bedroom," I turned to look at Nova

"How would you know, he is super fast," we both laughed to break the tension.

I didn't like how long he has been gone, his sister has been in charge and luckily, she has changed her tune since I saved their lives, but still, this place without him just feels empty.

"I think we need to do something fun. We have done nothing but train and worry all this time. You have barely left the house." Nova was staring me down.

"They look at me like I'm a monster. Not witch, nor human, nor vampire. How else am I supposed to respond?"

"Like you know it and your fine with it. You have a lot of power in your one pinky than I do in my whole body. Besides if you still will not take my word for it, think how Cassius reacted to you when he saw you all evil-like." She was grinning, she got me there. Cassius look when he grabbed my arm and never looked away, that caught me. He was looking at me like I became so important to him that he would even go to the Shadow King himself to have me.

"Fine, one outing for half the day, that is all you get."

She threw her hands over me and dragged me into a hug and all at the same time pulling me out of my seat. She become very comfortable with bossing me around, not that I minded she gave me something I had never had before, a friend.

We decided to head into the manor, see if we could borrow one of the carriages we could possibly go to town with. Going into the hall where they hold their galas, we found Lucas.

"Hey, Lucas!" I yelled, he immediately turned and ran to us.

"Hey! You finally came out of hiding," Nova laughed but I just rolled my eyes.

"Ok guys thanks for reminding me that I became a hermit."

"So, Lucas now that I got her out, we were hoping to use a carriage?"

"Why would you leave now. My uncle is coming home soon." I froze, I wanted him home but the thought of him finally here again, well that just made me extremely nervous.

"What do you think Aviana?" She turned to me and I'm sure she could tell how nervous this news made me. "Hey Lucas, yeah we want to head into town. She could probably use the extra time to compose herself."

Lucas laughed, "Yes I suppose she does."

"Alright we get it, I'm nervous, I can't help it."

"Well, I suppose you guys could use one, but I would be back before nightfall. Cassius will probably be here before then and if you're gone for too long he might not be happy."

"I don't think I mind making him wait a few extra hours considering I have had to wait for a whole passing of the full moon."

"Alright, I'll tell one of the guards to bring it out front."

"Thanks, Lucas, will see you later then."

"Ok, be safe!"

We left for the front gates while he went to ask one of the guards. People were busy getting everything ready for tonight. I suppose Isabella is making sure everything was set when her brother returned.

"Nova, what am I going to do? I feel like I'm completely stumbling over myself while he is so composed."

"Well, I suppose he's probably also quite lost. He lost his so-claimed mate to betrayal and now he's become infatuated with a Witch. Vampires use witches for their powers, not for their feelings."

"Yeah, your right. Well, I suppose if I screw up too badly, I can just disappear."

"I would never forgive you. If you leave me here alone, I will personally follow you and drag you back." I threw one of my arms around her shoulders and laughed. She truly was one of the best things to happen to me.

We arrived at the front gates and the carriage was already there waiting for us, apparently, Lucas works fast because I didn't think it took us that long to get here.

"I'm going to get you to pull the carriage, keep practicing on your focus," Nova simply rolled her eyes at me and hopped onto the driver seat and I follow behind her. We were then off down the road to town.

"Do you think we should grab a drink while we're down there?" Nova asked

"I don't see why not, not that there is much else to do anyway." I smiled back at her. It was nice to just be free like this knowing no one is going to hunt us or try to catch us. We can try to just be normal witches for a change and enjoy the winter air.

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