Chapter 18

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The fire was burning when I woke up and it was dark. I must have slept the whole day. This dress was tangled all of which ways around me and had to come off immediately. Changing into something more comfortable I went to make a tea.

Sitting at our table looking into the dark sky, it seemed very quiet. I couldn't even detect a whole lot of guards out there. I searched for Cassius but couldn't find him, nor his sister, or brother. I did, however, found Lucas. I immediately got up and ran to him. There weren't many inside, a few humans, some vampires, but no one I even recognized.

Probably be best to avoid all contact. I pulled myself into the shadows until I reached Lucas' room. Hiding in the shadow I noticed there was a vampire guard in front of his door, one I did not recognize. I snuck inside, Lucas was crouched on his bed, holding onto his pillow. His cousin was sitting beside him. Then there were two vampires guarding the inside of the door.

I came out of the shadows, before they could notice I electrified them, they fell to the ground steam coming off their now chard bodies. The guard outside stormed through the door, hitting my back, it startled me long enough for him to grab my throat. Big mistake on his part. I placed my hands on his arm and burned him, it travelled up his arm and burned him from the inside out. He could barely let out a squeal before he was dead.

"Ava!" He ran at me and gave me a huge hug. Damon was hesitant but I sat on the side of the bed and he came over and hugged me too. They were both very scared.

I pulled back from them, "Tell me what is going on?"

Lucas spoke first, "It was Eleanor, she drugged Cassius during the confusion. Then all these guards came marching into the castle."

"There from the dessert," Damon finished.

"That explains the parasite." Lucas nodded; he still looked a bit pale but better than what he was.

"Do you know where they were taken?"

They both shook their heads. I can find them, but it will take a lot to move that quick in the Shadow Realm.

"Alright, you two stay here. I will charge the outside of the door so no one will enter."

"I want to go with you." Lucas was trying to look so strong but he would only be in the way.

"Lucas, you will have to trust me I will save your uncle," I turned to Damon, "And your father." They both gave me another hug.

"Be safe, and don't die."

I laughed, "Me die? Never." I smiled down at them, then placed my hands on the door. It flared with blue light then looked like a normal door again. Turning to them I winked, then walked into the wall moulding into the shadow. They would see a black figure rush through the walls before disappearing.

This world was always tricky to navigate, it feels like you're swimming but really, you're just floating around in the darkness. The closer you are to the surface you get more light but the deeper you go the darker it gets, and that's where most of the creatures live.

I moved quickly out of the manor to the courtyard, I moved to the town but still no sign of him. I moved out to the forest, but it wasn't right. This is going to be impossible, but then I felt someone, they were reaching for me. It was Nova, I felt quite a bit of pride that she's grown so much that her message has reached me.

It didn't take me long to figure out where it was coming from, and I hated where it made me end up in the trials stadium. I came out of the shadow in the stands. Everyone missing was here, and Cassius was there in the middle, chained like an animal bleeding and the one holding the knife was Eleanor. I probably enjoyed this fact more than I should of, mostly because she's fair game now.

I had another issue though, the other people, guards, and vampires here were from the desert lands. I had to get closer, getting down to the middle of the stadium I saw Nova and Gale badly hurt in a corner, but Nova noticed me luckily she never looked. Some of our guards were in the cells, others dead, but a lot on their knees, I could see Cassius' brother and his wife within the crowd, probably being used as bait to keep Cassius in line.

Eleanor spoke first, "Oh Cassius, this is so bittersweet, I mean you were a great leader and lover but your love of those things," she pointed over to Gale and Nova, so she hated witches, even better. "It's disgusting." She spat then another male came up next to her.

"Eleanor," He brought her in for an extremely hot and passionate kiss, I would only imagine that's what I would do if I could ever get that close to Cassius. He then went over and kicked Cassius who flew to the wall. That's when I noticed the slice around his neck, it was deep, so deep he was going to die. He could even be near death now; he was barely healing. This was planned well to weaken him that much.

I was not going to let them get away with this. I moved down in front of Cassius in my wolf form.

"What is that!"

"It's the witch, she shouldn't have this much power left! Guards kill her!"

A lot of guards started coming at us, Nova had that worried look of hers. Turning to them I bared my teeth and burned some of the guards that were coming to attack us. That made everyone stop, but I couldn't dally, Cassius needed help now. With one easy leap, I jumped onto him and pulled him down where no one could reach us.

"Cassius wake up." Being back in my own form I slapped him, luckily he didn't look too pissed.

"How are you even here? You were almost drained of all your strength. We all felt it when you left. I was certain they killed you in your sleep."

"I promise I will explain everything later but right now you need to heal." I placed my hands over his neck to start healing him, but he pulled them away.

"Even if you heal me, I need blood," I looked at him, I had never tried this before, but I knew he was right.

I pulled my hair over to one shoulder, "I'll try not to kill you."

He smirked, but quickly wrapped one arm around my body pulling me in close and cupped his other large hand around my neck pulling me close to his mouth. I felt his teeth elongate then pierce into my skin. I had to immediately start concentrating to pull my magic out of the blood before entering his system, otherwise, it could kill him, or at least paralyze him. The problem though was vampires released endorphins that put you in a state of euphoria and relaxation. It was hard to not succumb to it. I felt his hands tighten when I started to lose focus snapping me back. He finished quickly and pulled away, but he never let me out of his grasps.

"I'm sorry," he said, then leaned in and kissed me softly on the lips. It didn't last long before he pulled me away. "I need to get out of here, they will kill everyone if I don't kill them first."

"There are too many of them, I have an idea, but I do need some time."

"I'm pretty sure I can handle that." He was smirking again, then he moved his hand to cusp the side of my face. I smiled at him before I pushed him back out, out into the surface. I on the other hand had to go deep, very deep.

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